Chapter 12

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|Chapter 12|

"So you're dad is my dads boss..." I trail off, staring at the desk.

"Yep," Liam says.

I can feel him staring at me, but I refuse to look up. It'll only make the heat creeping up my neck even worse.

"And you were are my house last night," I state, my hands writing together.


"And you wore a dress shirt."


"And you're, like, super duper rich," I mumble.

I can see him roll his eyes in my peripheral vision. "I mean—I guess so, yeah."

"Alright." I say, releasing a breath.


"Alright," I state again, blanking on what else to say.





There's an awkward pause while we try to find some way to start a conversation. I glance up and see him picking at his pencil. He's leaning over the table with his forearms on the desk, and I can see his muscles clench under a tournament shirt for soccer. His hair is down on his eyes and I want nothing more than to wipe it away.

"You, um, you looked—nice," Liam mutters.

I snap my head over to him, "I what?"

"You looked..." He clears his throat, "You looked really nice last night."

"Well...thanks." I look down. "You looked good too."

"Yeah. Um, thanks." Liam says.

I look anywhere but here, praying that Ms. Wong will end this partner work torture that I have to go through. This is complete madness and I can't take it.

I wrack my Brian for conversation starters but the only thing that comes up is possibly the worst topic I should bring up.

I take a deep breath and drum my fingers on the table. "So do you have a yacht?"

"No," Liam denies quickly, but I look at him and see his face flush scarlet.

"Oh my god, you totally have a yacht, you stubborn filthy rich liar!" I gasp, grinning. Liam is so uncomfortable discussing the situation of his fathers money, and it makes it all the more fun to tease him.

"No I don't. I have no clue what you are talking about." Liam looks at the desk and starts to flip through his planner for something.

"Do you belong to a yacht club as well?" I ask him, and when he opens his mouth to say no I gasp at him. "You liar! Yet again!"

"My family does not belong to a yacht club," Liam protests weakly.

"You belong to a country club though, don't you? Hmm? Mr. Money bags? You do, don't you?" I push, and I almost start laughing right them when I see his feel turn tomato red.

Sealed With A Diss.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें