Chapter 8

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|Chapter 8|

"Yes! In your face loser! You suck!" I scream as I do my happy dance in the middle of the living room. I hear chuckles errupt all around me, and open my eyes to find most of the guys staring and laughing at me, while Gabe just sits there, flabbergasted.

"I just lost...I lost..." He mumbles over and over, not knowing how to cope with it. The controller is to his left, which had been dropped out of his hands in surprise.

"Yes, you did just lose! And to me, a little girl. Why that matters, I'll never know," I turn to look at the guys, my gloating face on, "You guys are clearly all jealous, I mean, this," I gesture to myself, "is just so fricking amazing and you simply can't compete with it!" I jump around and grin.

"Cool your jets, hot shot," Will smiles at me, and I do a little shimmey.

"I am one hell of a FIFA player, if I do say so myself," I brag. Looking down, I check the time on my watch and see that it is 5:45.

Time certainly does fly when you're being stupid.

"I have to go you guys," I announce, standing up from my comfortable position on the floor and heading for the steps.

"Bye Johnson!" The guys chorus out to me. I chuckle to myself.

"Bye guys," I treck up the stairs and into the kitchen. I grab my bag and my board from where I had left them earlier in the kitchen near the fridge, and walk to the garage door.

"Bye Mrs. White!" I call out, stopping in front of my way out to wait for her reply.

"Bye honey! Hope to see you soon," She shouts from her room.

I open the door and go into the cold night air. Crap, I probably should have brought a jacket with me. Whoops.

I ride home on my skateboard, shivering the whole way there. It is certainly cold for September in southern New York. Wonder what's up now with the weather.

I finally arrive at my house and burst through the door, not being able to wait for the warmth.

"Well hello to you too, dear," My mom says from the stairs, looking startled.

"Hi mom!" I set my stuff down and grab my black Varsity jacket before calling for Pepper.

"Pepper! Pepper! Pepper get your lazy butt in here!" I shout out. I hear the stumbling of those all too familarly ungraceful paws, and see her peak her head out from the living room.

Holding out the leash so she can see it, she finally comes galloping my way, sliding to a stop in front of me. She stands still long enough for me to attach the leash to her collar, and then she drags me forcefully to the door.

"I'm off to walk Pepper!" I yell out to the seemingly empty house, even though I just heard my mom call to me.

I grab the door and set off to the cold world. I ride along with Pepper on my skateboard, yet I know that I have a keen habit of falling on my ass whenever I do this. The air is cool against my bare face, and I shiver little in the wind.

I get to the neighborhood park, and slow my ride to a calm leisurely pace. Pepper happily goes along with her business, peeing on some unsuspecting plants here and there.

I glance around and spot a familiar brown haired boy.

"Thomas!" I call out to him. He turns around, looking confused for a bit before he spots me and his face breaks out into a smile. He quickly jogs over towards me and walks along with my skateboards steady wheels.

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