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"Do you want to stay for some ramen?"

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"Do you want to stay for some ramen?"

I asked him. I don't mind him staying for a while. I need company anyways because Appa isn't here yet. "Umm, sure?" He said, hesitantly. I held his hand and dragged him inside. I made him sit at the couch, as I walked towards our kitchen. I searched the drawers and cabinets until I finally found a pot.

I walked towards the pantry and looked for some decent ramen flavour. "Jongin! What flavour do you want?" I shouted. I waited for a response. Soon enough he shouted back, "Anything will be fine!" I picked a classic spicy ramyeon. I took some and placed it on the kitchen counter. I opened the faucet and filled the pot with water.

I placed the noodles on the boiling water and seasoning packets. I placed in the cover and walked out of the kitchen to get some bowls to put the ramen in. Soon, the ramen was cooked and ready to serve.

I turned off the stove and removed the pot from it. I was about to put some in the two bowls when my phone beeped. I looked at my lock screen that it was from Appa.

Princess, I'll be later than usual since the company had an emergency. Someone filled a case against our company because of the viral video of a crazy Karen.

Can we cancel and go to the company the other day instead? Appa's really busy so I will not go home with mom today. If you feel lonely, call one of your friends or even better, Jongin. Saranghae🐱

I understand Appa.
Stay safe and don't overwork yourself.
Your health is what matters to me the most.
Nado saranghae🦊

Well, I guess I'll be sleeping with Jongin tonight. I took some tongs and placed some noodles on both bowls before pouring the broth. I took two pairs of chopsticks and two spoons. I placed them on the tray and was about to carry it to the dining room when Jongin walked inside and carried it for me.

"What are you doing here? I thought you're at the couch?" I asked surprised as he carefully placed the tray on the dining table. I placed the bowls nicely as we both sat down. We started eating when I remembered something. I stood up and went to our Kimchi fridge to get some. I placed the mini container of kimchi on the table.

"I don't eat kimchi." He said and pouted. Knowing Jongin, he probably haven't tried it yet. "Come on, try it for me. Please..." I pleaded. He sighed and took a piece, placing it on top of the spoon that has noodles in there. He took a bite and his eyes widened. "Wah, this actually doesn't taste that bad." He stated and took another piece.

"Told you it was good. I made it myself." I proudly said and took a piece myself. The kimchi was fermented perfectly. I took some noodles using my chopsticks. I didn't realised it but we slurped at the same time. I had the urge to look at him. I did.

Looks like I wasn't the only one because we had eye contact as we both slurped our noodles. I bit the ramen so that the rest will drop. He finished eating the noodles and chuckled. He leaned over and wiped the side of my mouth, making me freeze. He saw it.

"Stop being tense Jenjen. It's normal, right?" He said. We both laughed loudly, as he cleaned up the table. I finished my food and handed him the bowl. It's a habit, don't kill me.

I stood up and shouted, "I'll help you with the dishes!!!"


"Ah, finally we're done." I groaned and threw myself at my bed. He did the same and landed on his side. "Why are you so tired?" He teased and smirked. "I hate washing the dishes." I stated. "You're lucky that I was the one who cooked or else I have no absolute intention to do it."

"Oh well..." He sighed heavily. He wrapped his arms around my petite waist and rested his head above mine. "I guess I am lucky to have you." He pulled me closer and grabbed the blanket to cover us. "Sleep. You had a long day." He insisted. Aish, I don't want to.

"I don't want to sleep yet." I pouted. He chuckled as I turned around to face him. I can never deny how handsome he looks. I'm convinced and would totally believe you if you said that this guy is from another world. He's too much. "What do you want to do? Netflix?"

I nodded and grabbed a cellphone. Yes, I use a phone for a remote. Much more easier. I lost count on how many phone are in this house. We use a lot of technology. Guilty pleasure you would say.

I searched for a show that I might like. Crash Landing On You sounds nice. I haven't watched it yet but a lot of people has. The plot was cool so I clicked of it and watched it. We cuddled as we watched the popular kdrama.

"Oh no! Ri Jeong Hyeok! Why did you have to get shot!" I shouted. I'm getting so into this show. But once our darn homework comes in, I won't be able to watch it anymore. Sad.

"Looks like you're enjoying this new drama." He said. He covered my shoulders with the blanket. "Yeah, it's interesting..." I said and cuddled him more, burying my face on his chest. "It's quite warm." I stated. He chuckled and turned off the tv and cuddled me too. I fell asleep a few moments later.


"They are so cute!" Jennie's mom silently exclaimed. Jongin's mom followed her and his son cuddling with Jennie. "You're right. They're so freaking cute!" She also exclaimed. Her heart was melting since she has never seen her son so clingy since I don't know, puberty I guess.

She turned to Jennie's mom and held her hand. "Look, I'm extremely thankful for welcoming Jongin like he's your own. I know that he has been going here lately because me and my husband fights a lot. It's just too much for him. He may look tough but he has soft heart to people close to him. I guess we just grew apart."

"No worries. He's like a son I never had! He's extremely sweet." Jennie's mom complemented. "I just want to say that me and my husband are planning a divorce. He might go here more often since he goes here when he's sad." She warned and looked sadly at her son.

"Look, he's always welcome here. Always."

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