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"Come on

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"Come on... Jenjen, talk to me please..." Jongin held her arm and shook her, hoping she'd budge. She hasn't talked to him since Sana's reappearance and he hates it. "Look, I didn't even know she'd come back." He reasoned.

She just rolled her eyes and turned away from him. "Jennie..." He whined and pulled her arm again. Jongin kept trying to gain her attention while both Jennie's parents watch from the room, chuckling.

"They got so close throughout those years being together." Jennie's father said while her mom just nodded. "They have. And I have a feeling they'll get closer. I'm rooting for them." Her mom said as she held on her husband's hand.

"Our daughter's extremely smart." Her mom said and shook her head. "Sometimes I wonder, how could I get so lucky and have a daughter so smart like her." She said as they both watch the two. "Let's hope that she'll not be too smart. Too smart to the point she'll know it."

Jennie's mom sighed deeply, agreeing to what her husband said. "I hope so."


Jennie was just lying on the couch and scrolling through Instagram when she heard a peculiar noise from outside. Her curiosity made her went outside to see what's going on. There she saw a guy in all black, fighting every security guard in the facility.

Her eyes widened as she saw the guy was walking towards her parents' room. She immediately stepped in front of the guy, blocking his way. "Move aside kid if you don't want to get hurt." He warned but Jennie didn't say anything and stood there with a firm glare.

"I said get out of the way! I need to teach the persons inside here a lesson. " He attempted to intimidate me but she was much more intimidating honestly. "This kid-,"

He attempted to punch her but she grabbed his arm and curled it to his back, dragging him against the wall. "What did you say again? Kid?" She chuckled in a sassy tone. "You're the one who should be called a kid for not knowing how to even fight back, you jerk."

"You shouldn't protect your parents. They are keeping something big from you." The guy said but Jennie just dragged him against the wall more. "As if I'll listen to you. Bye bitch." She said and punched him, making him lost consciousness.


The guy regained consciousness after a few hours. He opened his eyes slowly and found himself tied up in an old house. He looked around and saw Jennie whose chuckling as she saw that he was awake.

"Oh you're awake now. How entertaining." She walked towards him and knelt down to his level. "I've been waiting." She smirked and pulled out a knife just in case he attacks. "You shouldn't listen to your parents. They have done some real nasty things."

Jennie laughed sarcastically, and looked away. "You really think I'd believe you just like that." She shook her head in disbelief. "I'd prove it to you." The guy said, challenging her. She looked at him again.

"And how will you do that?" She raised her brows at him, wanting to hear what he's gonna say. "Let me go first and give me something that I could contact you with." The guy said.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. She was about to respond when the door slammed open. "Jongin." She said.

His eyes landed on her and immediately hugged her. She was startled but was able to hug back. "What happened?" She managed to ask.

"I should be the one asking that. Where have you been? I just went out for a walk and came back with all the security unconscious. I was scared you we're in danger." He said worriedly. He saw the guy tied up and pulled away from the hug.

"Who's this guy?" He asked as he pointed towards the guy. Jennie shrugged saying, "He's the one who took down those guards in the hospital. I brought him here so I could interrogate him on why he's after my parents."She glared at the guy.

"After your parents?! That's crazy!" Jongin exclaimed, still in disbelief. She nodded and walked towards the guy. "I'm letting you go. You're worthless to me anyways." She said and untied the guy.

The guy handed her a USB drive and ran away. "That guy--," Jongin's jaw clenched so Jennie held his arm to calm him down. "I wonder what's in here..." Jennie said as she looked into the USB.


She opened her laptop and placed the USB in place. "Are you sure about this, Jennie?" He asked worriedly as he watched her. "There might be some type of virus in there." He worriedly said but Jennie wanted to know what was in there.

"It'll be fine, Jongin." She assured him and opened the file that popped out. "Now let see..." She entered a code and it immediately went into a dark site. She pressed the folder shown and they were shocked on what they saw.

It showed Jennie's parents going to illegal workshops to meet with mafias. Turns out, her parents were the masterminds in everything. "T-This... this isn't true, r-right?" She asked Jongin who was as shocked as she is.

"I'm not sure myself..." Jongin said and hugged her from the side to comfort her. She scrolled down some more and saw a lists of materials her parents brought through illegal shipping.

She choked on her tears while Jongin looked at her worriedly. He didn't want to see her like that. If only I could do something about it. He thought but shook it of because he didn't want to meddle with their personal life.


"I want you to kill her." A cold voice said that gave their henchmen chills. Their boss was extremely scary that it's presence could kill you. "But sir, we don't have any leads. She'll only outsmart us." The guy reasoned.

"I DON'T CARE!" Their boss shouted, making them flinch. "The NIS might already told her something about us so move faster, you idiots!"

"Yes sir."

Author's note:

Hewwo there! I'm back with another chapter. A lot more drama and people will be involved so stay tuned for that, I guess😅

I added some small little clues and some huge ones on each chapter. Remember, everything happens for a reason here🤣🤣

Be on the lookout for small details and I'm starting to add bigger clues😉

See you guys on my next update😘😘

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