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"So where is that guy now?" I asked myself as I typed in a hacker code and scanned through the map

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"So where is that guy now?" I asked myself as I typed in a hacker code and scanned through the map. "Yeongdeungpo District? What is he doing there?" I asked as I zoomed in the map.

"That mysterious guy just ran of with his personalized knife. Little did he know that there was a little surprise there." I said and smirked and turned my chair around.

I grabbed his knife and sticked a small penny sized tracker in the rim. "I'd rather take my own life." I said and mentally smirked. I hope he falls into my plan. I thought.

He looked at me and scoffed. "Pfft fine. Do it if you can." He pressed the knife against my neck more. I scanned for a vehicle coming up and saw a white van. "Hey look!" I shouted and kicked his stomach.

I walked toward the trash can and picked up the glowing device. I shoved it in my pocket and grabbed the metal tube to choke him. I don't plan to kill him, really. I just wanna make him think I will.

If I kill him, how would I know where their hideout is? I choked hi, harder and scared him. I let him run away and took a deep breath before pulling out the small device. "Now, what is this?"

I rolled back at my desk and took out the small device, currently in a ziplock bag, from one of my drawers. I took out some gloves, and tied up my hair. "Let's see." I said and took out my tools.

The device was strange. It was oval shaped and has glowing lights in the center like a button. I opened it and saw a micro circuit that has resistor that controls the flow of electrons.

I removed the circuit board and scanned it. I found a transistor, if you don't know, can switch tiny electric currents on and off or amplify them. "On first glance, this looks like a normal gps tracker but it's not."

I looked closely and saw that the circuit board was really different. Then the realization hit me... "This isn't just a normal GPS tracker, it can do much than tracking location..." I connected it to my laptop.

"I'm right! It also connects to their personal website in the web. The deep web to be exact." I pulled out my old laptop, just incase there are hackers there. I typed in password and connected it to the device.

The website popped up again. A tab popped up so I immediately clicked on it. "Huh? 'What's my web?'? What the heck is that?" I said as I bit my nails in frustration. Then the event yesterday came into my head. Kkangpae...

I typed it in and another website popped in. "I got in! Now let see what we have her— Oh?" An email popped up. I was curious so I clicked on it. "It's chinese. Luckily I know a little..."

"'Were going to plan our next move tonight.' What next move? Will I get in trouble again?" I took a photo of it and clicked out of the server. A tab popped out so suddenly, startling me.

It was a GPS map. That leads to an urban are in Yeongdeungpo. "Should I go there?" I asked myself, hesitating. "Well, how am I supposed to know what they're up to? Oh yeah the gps I stuck in his knife."

I took out my earpiece and slipped it on my ear. "What sir? *rustling sounds* Oh okay." I groaned and stood up, throwing myself in my huge bed. "This won't do... I'm going there tonigh—,"

I was surprised when the earpiece suddenly caught another conversation. "Yes boss. I'll be there at 20. And again I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again." I furrowed my brows and sat there confused.

"At 20 huh?" I smirked and picked an all black outfit including a mask. I searched my drawers and found a Glock 9 gun. "This will be fun..."


As I drove towards Yeongdeungpo, my phone started buzzing. Luckily my phone was connected to the car via bluetooth so I answered the phone. "Yes?"

"Jenjen, where are you?" It was Jongin. I cleared my throat before answering him. "I'm taking care of... something." I nervously said and drove ahead. "What something? As far as I know, you don't have any appointments. By the way, I'm going to gangnam."He asked suspiciously.

I nervously chuckled, Why does he have to know so much?" I muttered to silently for him to hear. "I'm sorry Jongin but I have to go know." I ended the call as soon as I saw a suspicious looking van drive at pathway towards the forest.

I slipped in the earpiece connected to the knife of the guy earlier. I also fished out my phone and opened the app so I could see the location too. As soon as all of them walked out of the van and into the forest, I wore my black mask and smart glasses. And I wore my gun on me.

I silently and cautiously walked in the forest, not using flashlights because there's a night vision mode in my smart glasses. And besides, if I use flashlights they'll definitely notice. At least I can escape easily because I can hide.

I found a normal-looking cabin but I knew better. I was about to walk towards it when some guys with firearms. Of course I'm not dumb enough to approach them just like that. I waited because I was sure there's something.

They opened a trap door in the terrace and looked at their surroundings before going in. Everyone got in except two which guarded the door. I waited until everyone was gone and silently walked behind the guards and hit their heads, making the faint.

I took their ID's and took a deep breath before going in. I climbed down the ladder and it lead to a hallway. I walked silently while listening. When I finally reached the end, I found out that it led to a room where they held their meetings.

"So when will we go there? Sir, I'm sure she's with that girl." One guy said. The boss, which was on a phone call, chuckled. "That's why I'm sending you all. You guys could outnumber them."

"Bring me that guy, dead or alive. But make sure to bring that girl alive. I'll make her pay." The boss said. I silently snickered. They really think that they can beat me? Looks like they don't know I'm THE Jennie Kim.

I then wondered who could that guy be? My dad? I wondered since I don't really know any boy friends because of Jongin's protective ass.

"I heard that he'll be in gangnam. We'll ambush them there and get them." Then it hit me...


"Jongin... Oh no..." I muttered worriedly and immediately head out, running out and going in my car, driving to gangnam to save him.

Author's note:

So that happened. Hehehe 😜. There's much more drama upcoming. Don't be afraid to comment for clarifications or theories because who knows, you might be right or I might do your theory😂😏😉

And by the way, who do you think the boss is?🤔🤔

The answer is really obvious but not at the same time😂😂 Anyways, I'm sleeping cuz I'm sooo sleepy. I'll proofread tomorrow.😝😜

Luv y'all🥺💖

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