Chapter 13

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As I said, it was such a long day for me. It was the most awkward when me and Michael passed each other in the halls whilst getting to our classes, but he wasn't with anyone. No jocks, no cheerleaders, but most importantly, no Lindsay. Michael looked sad as guilty when he passed me, but he also looked hurt. He stared at me with sorrowful brown eyes. I must admit that I felt bad for him, but Ray pulled me away from Michael, due to him knowing the circumstances. At the moment I had just got home from school, my parents weren't home so I decided to go upstairs and play Xbox. I didn't know when mum got home, but I presume she would be home soon. There was just then a knock on the door.
"Speak of the devil." I sighed happily as I paused my game. I got off of my bed, threw my controller onto it and then walked downstairs. "Coming." I called out happily as I ran over to the door. I opened it up and my smile immediately fell. "Michael." I breathed out in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"
"Please, I know how much you hate me, but I love you. Lindsay came onto me, I swear." I could hear the seriousness in his voice, and I saw the tears forming in his eyes.
"You've come all this way, you may as well come in." I smiled sadly as I moved away from the door to let him through.
"Thank you." He mumbled. We walked up to my room and I turned my Xbox off. We sat down in my bed and Michael began talking.
"It was all her, she heard you coming and smirked before coming onto me, I had already dumped her ass by this point, so she was doing everything and anything in her power to hurt me, to hurt you, to hurt us." Michael explained.
"But why weren't you with the jocks or cheerleaders today, and why did you look so sad and hurt?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I came out to them." He told me. "They called me a freak, they said that they hated me and that I probably take pictures of them whilst they change. They pushed me into the cheerleaders changing room and called me a gaylord in front of all of the cheerleaders. I ran into the bathroom to change whilst the cheerleaders yelled taunts at me, especially Lindsay." He frowned and I could see the tears forming in his eyes. "I don't know what to do, I'm the captain of most of the sports teams. I can't face those guys ever again, but I want to do what I love." Michael sighed as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. I wiped the tears away with my thumb. Michael looked down at me before cupping my cheeks and kissing me hard, causing electricity to spark through my veins and make my heart beat faster. My eyes fluttered shut as I kissed back. Michael pulled back and smiled. "Sorry, I just-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his, taking him by surprise. I pulled away and put my head in the crook of his neck whilst he wrapped his muscular arm around me. "I love you," Michael whispered as he kissed my forehead, "and I promise to never hurt you ever again."
"I love you too." I smiled as I looked up at him.

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