Chapter 9: The Cuts And Bruises

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"You coming to get lunch?" Ray asked.
"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute, I'm just going to my locker to put some books away." I told him as we walked in separate directions. I opened up my locker and emptied a few books into it when it was slammed closed. I jumped back slightly as it frightened me. Joel was standing there smiling with Lindsay. "Hello?" Joel through a punch at me causing me to topple backwards. "What-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before the next one was planted near my eyebrow casing me to fall to the ground. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because we don't like you." Lindsay cackled.
"No one does." Joel laughed before hitting my cheek with his fist.
"Stop!" I cried out.
"No one cares." Joel chuckled whilst grabbing me by the neck of my t-shirt.
"Help!" I screamed out.
"No one can here you scream. No one cares if you scream." He spat.
"Michael cares." I told him, this just caused another hit to be landed on my jaw causing me to lie with my face to the ground.
"Michael!" I yelled, just to be kicked by Lindsay.
"Shut the hell up!" She hissed before kicking me again. I yelled out in pain.
"Michael!" I hollered, followed by another hit from Joel.
"Gavin!" I heard Michael call back.
"Michael, I'm her Eyes!" I cried. I saw Michael bolt around the corner. Joel's eyes widened in horror.
"Let's go!" Joel and Lindsay both ran off.
"Get back here assholes!" Michael bellowed. This must be the anger that they were talking about. As soon as Michael saw me his eyes softened. "Gavvy." He ran straight to me and knelt down beside me.
"Jesus, he got loads of good hits on you. I'm sorry I couldn't have been here sooner." He apologised looking sorrowful.
"It's okay." I cracked a weak smile as Michael helped me up.
"Let's get you home." Michael told me.
"But I promised Ray that I'd have lunch with him." I told him, trying to pull him to the lunch hall, but seen as Michael was a jock he was far stronger than me.
"I'll tell him you went home when I get back." He said as he dragged me to the entrance of the school. Once we were out of sight of the school he lifted me into his arms, like I was a bride and ran all the way to my home. I unlocked the door seen as my parents weren't home. Michael told me to sit on a chair on the kitchen table so that he could clean my cuts and tend to my bruises.
"Thank you." I smiled as he cleaned the last cut.
"It's what a boyfriend should do." He smiled, but it soon faded at realisation of what he'd just said. "I'm sorry, that was dumb of me to say, I'll leave if you-" I cut him off by kissing him.
"It's okay, I like that title." I giggled.
"You could always text Ray that you went home." He said whilst wiggling his eyebrows.
"Okay." I blushed as we continued kissing.

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