Chapter 3: The Tutor

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"Gavin, wait up." I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned around, as did Ray. Michael ran over.
"Are your parents still cool with me coming over?" Michael asked whilst adjusting his green jacket.
"Yeah, they're perfectly fine." I answered. I heard a horn go off and that's when Ray said.
"That's my ride guys, I'll see you around Gavin."
"Bye Ray." I waved as he walked off to his dad's car. I was about to walk over to the bus stop when Michael pulled me over to a red convertible.
"Here's my ride." Michael smiled proudly as he unlocked it. I didn't know that he had a car. I stood in awe. "Get in idiot." Michael chuckled causing my heart to melt. I nodded and quickly hopped in. Michael sat in his car staring at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Wot?" He imitated me. "Where do you live?" I gave Michael directions to my house and he got there alright. I opened the door to my house and let Michael in.
"Mum, dad, I'm home." I called out.
"Hello Gavin, did you have a good day at school?" Mum asked me as she walked with a quick pace out of the dining room.
"Yeah it was alright for school." I said as I took my advanced math book out of my bag. I saw my mum look behind me and she smiled.
"You must be Michael." She smiled.
"Yes I am Mrs Free." He said casually. "Well, Gavin, we should really get started with the tutoring." Michael said, turning to me.
"Oh yes, right this way." I smiled as I lead Michael up the stairs and to my room. Before I walked in I looked down to my mum and saw that she mouthed, 'he's cute.' I chuckled to myself before I sat down on my bed, Michael doing the same.
"So I guess we should start with what we covered in that lesson." He smiled causing one of his dimples to show.
"Whatever you suggest." I smiled back, staring into those dreamy brown eyes of his. Michael went over all of the things we covered in class until I got them.
"I don't have to be back home for another hour, wanna play some video games." He suggested, picking up a controller.
"Sure." I smiled as I turned the xbox on. We played for hours until Michael realised what time it was.
"Crap, my parents are gonna kill me, I'll just tell them that I was with Lindsay." He said as he jumped up. "It's been nice Gavin, I should tutor you more often, let's make it a weekly thing, yeah?" He asked.
"Sure." I said as I turned off the xbox. I walked with Michael down my stairs and to my front door.
"Text me anytime Gav, I enjoy your company." He winked as he closed the door.
"So how was it." My mum asked from the sofa.
"He's hot." I muttered.
"Has Gavvy got a little crush." My mum chuckled.
"Shut up." I rolled my eyes as I quickly went back to my room, blushing.

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