Chapter 20

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"Faggot!" A kid yelled before pushing me up against a locker, pinning me up by his arm against my throat.
"Gaylord." Another kid yelled at Michael, pinning him up in the same way as I was. The kid that had me by the throat punched my nose, causing me to fall to the ground. Everyone laughed at me, causing a tear to roll down my cheek.
"Fair enough, you can beat me up, knock me down, but don't you dare touch Gavin!" Michael spat.
"Stand up!" The kid yelled at me. I nodded and wobbled to my feet. The kid looked over at his friend, who was pinning Michael up against the locker, and nodded. Michael was then pushed to the ground, causing four people to leap on him, one on each limb so that he couldn't escape. The kid who was pinning Michael up before pulled out a knife. He bent down on his knees and held it at Michaels throat.
"Michael!" I yelped as I tried to run towards him, but I was sadly held back by a kid.
"Take one more step, I dare you." The kid growled.
"Gavin, it's okay." Michael smiled weakly. I nodded and didn't resist anymore, so the boy looked over at the one with the knife and nodded, yet again. The boy with the knife smirked before lifting it from Michaels throat. Michael breathed out a sigh of relief, but it was soon taken over by cries of pain.
"Michael!" I screamed as the boys sprinted away. I ran over to Michael and knelt down beside him. "Oh Michael." Tears stung the corner of my eyes as I saw the scene that lay in front of me. Michael clawing for berth, as the knife had impaled him.
"I love you Gavin." Michael chocked out as he caresses my cheek. He leant up and kissed me before falling limp in my arms.
"I love you too Michael." I yelled out in grief as I laid Michael down in the cold, hard, bloodstained floor.

My eyes shot open as I sat abruptly up in bed. Michaels arm was wrapped lazily around my waist, but his grip soon tightened.
"Gavin?" Michael asked, still half asleep. He looked up at me and saw my tear stained face. "Oh Gavvy." He sat up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, letting me rest my head in the crook of his neck. "Babe, what's wrong?" Michael asked, genuinely concerned as he stroked my hair slowly.
"I had a bad dream, that's all." I put on a fake smile and settled back down into bed, Michael doing the same, as he wrapped his around my waist, pulling me close to him. He kissed my neck tenderly before pulling away.
"It's okay, I'm here. I won't let anything hurt you ever again." Michael whispered sweetly in my ear. I smiled slightly and snuggled into his chest, falling into a restless sleep once again.

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