Chapter 27

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Guess who hasn't updated in ages and everybody hates her, this girl! I'm so sorry! I've just started year 10 which is the first year of GCSE's so these next to years are extremely important to me. I want to become a film maker so I've taken music and drama which have a lot of coursework which will take up a lot of my time. I've been getting about three pieces of homework a day so that's taken a long time to do. So all in all I've been so busy and I will still be very busy for these two years, do expect very disjointed updates for the duration that this book has left. The book is over halfway done (hopefully, unless I decide that the ending is something different) so bare with me, I will finish this book, okay! Right, uv done enough rambling, on with the chapter that's probably going to be really crappy as per usual.

Michael? ~ Me
Michael, you didn't text me once yesterday, is everything okay?~ Me
Please Michael, I'm getting worried now, text me or call me, I love you ~ Me
I put my phone down and sighed. I had to get ready for school soon but I couldn't concentrate. What if something really bad has happened to Michael? But then again he could just have had a long day yesterday and fell asleep without checking his phone, and he could still be asleep as I know today is his day off. But that doesn't sound like Michael, he'd always text me, even if it was just one word 'goodnight.' Maybe he just really needed some sleep, or had really important homework due, whatever homework you get for sports, I don't know, but still it might be an essay or something lengthy like that. I decided to get up, there was no point in me worrying over something that was probably nothing. I went to my wardrobe and pulled out a green t-shirt, even though it was autumn, it was still extremely hot in Austin, well at least I thought it was. I grew up in England my whole life until we moved here at little over a year ago, so Austin is so hot compared to the weather I'm used to in England. I'm sure Ray will be wearing his purple hoodie seen as it would be getting colder for him. I nearly wore t-shirts the whole way through winter last year, that was until I started getting strange looks, then I pulled out my jacket and I didn't take it off until we broke up for the Christmas holidays. Christmas is warm here, at least to me it is, that will take some getting used to. I slid on some black skinny jeans and wondered if Michael will be able to come back and spend Christmas here. I sorted out my hair and then walked down stairs. I made myself some cereal, seen as I am home alone and then ate it slowly, seen as I had a while before school started. After I finished my cereal I decided to call Michael as I was getting nowhere with texts. I clicked on his name and then the call button. I held my phone up to my ear and I waited. After what felt like forever Michael picked up.
"Hello!" I beamed happily even though he couldn't see me.
"Gavvy!" Michael yelled excitedly back.
"So, what have you been up to?" I asked.
"A lot of training, see a massive football team wants me to come to their tryouts to be their new quarterback, seen as their old quarterback is leaving soon for another team." Michael told me and I could just tell by his tone how excited he was.
"When's your tryouts?" I asked inquisitively as I was genuinely intrigued by his happiness.
"Not for another four months, but they like to warn us a while in advanced. If I get in I will play in the NFL next September, this is massive for me Gavin!" He explained. "If I get in the team the rest of my life is practically sorted out. People will know my name Gavin, they will look up to me like I've looked up to so many different sports stars." Michael sounded so happy and overwhelmed at the same time. "But I will have to travel a lot, we'd hardly get to see each other." There's the catch. Nothing is ever smooth in this life. Like the sea, it may appear calm, but there are still waves, even though they are incredibly small.
"Oh." Was all I could say. I looked at the time and noted I needed to be at school soon, even though I had a free period first.
"School starts soon for you Gav." Michael said, taking the words right out of my mouth.
"How did you-"
"I have your time table set up on my phone in the alarm clock, so every time you need to leave for school, or you leave school, or have any free periods, I know." Michael cut in. I smiled slightly to myself at how much this boy cares for me.
"Well, I guess this is goodbye."
"For now, I guess it is."
"I love you Michael." I told him, breaking the small odd tension that had built.
"I love you too Gavin, I'll miss you whilst you're at school."
"I'll miss you too." I then put the phone down and pulled my black converses on. I slung my bag over my shoulder and opened up the door, walking out into the beating down heat of Austin. I shut my door lazily and began walking to school, kicking a few stones as I went. Soon enough I had made it to school, everyone bustling in through the giant metal gates. I shuffled awkwardly inside before going to my form room. As I was on my way there, my arm was grabbed and I was pulled into a side room that was very small and was never used. I heard the door lock and everything was dark. I went to say something but the lift flickered on, revealing Miles and Kerry. "Hello?" I raised an eyebrow at them but Miles only laughed, slightly awkwardly. I backed up but then hit my back into the door.
"Calm down Gavin, I'm not going to hurt you." Kerry smiled sickly sweet. I then key out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"What lesson have you got first?" Kerry asked.
"Oh I have a free period, what do you-"
"That doesn't matter." Miles hissed. I was taken aback by this action as I thought they were nice to me yesterday, or was that just their disguise? Getting me in their good side in front of so many people just so they could be mean and not be blamed.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." Kerry repeated.
"But I am." Miles grinned evilly and then punched me in my stomach. I doubled over in pain and laid a hand on my knee to keep me balanced. Before I had a chance to ask why, another punch was laid on my chest. I stumbled backwards and hit the wall. Miles then punched my side, causing me to fall to the floor in pain. He then begs to kick me. I curled up in the foetal position so my stomach was protected from any further hurt. Miles then laid a rather powerful and painful kick to the base of my spine. I yelped out in pain and then everything stopped. Miles laughed, placing one last kick to my side before opening up the door, him and Kerry walking through the door. Miles then turned off the light and slammed the door shut, leaving em alone, in pain and in the dark. I just wanted Michael. I wanted him to take away the pain.

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