Chapter 19

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"So how do you think it's going?" My mother asked me over dinner. Today was the day that Michael came out to his parents, and he was even going to admit that he had a boyfriend.
"I don't know, hopefully good. He hasn't text me saying that it's going bad, so I guess it's going okay." I replied as I took a bite of food.
"I hope so too." My dad smiled slightly. Once we had finished our dinner, I took the plates and washed them up, I had to do something to take my mind off of Michael, as I was extremely nervous that his parents wouldn't respect who he is. I sat down on the couch with my parents and put on a film. We were halfway through the film and I was starting to get really worried. I pulled out my phone and texted Michael.

Me~ How's everything going, are you okay?

I waited for a few minutes, but, to my dismay, I did not get a reply. I was really scared, as Michael had told me, his parents aren't the most accepting in the world. I drummed my fingers on my phone, and then I felt it vibrating. My eyes lit up and I looked at who was calling. Ray. I would have answered it on a normal day, but I wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone, apart from Michael of course. The film finished and my parents went upstairs, seen as it was getting late. I put on another film, as I couldn't sleep, seen as I was worrying far too much. About ten minutes into the film there was a knock at the door. I sprang up and ran to the door. I flung it open and was horrified at the sight that I saw. Michael eyes were red and puffy, and tears stained his perfect face. My face softened and my eyebrows turned sad.
"Oh Michael." I said before engulfing him in a hug. It didn't take long before he was in hysterics in my arms. I closed the front door and lead him to my couch. Once we were sat down on the couch, I heard footsteps on the stairs.
"Is everything o-" My mum was cut off when she saw the state that Michael was in. "Oh Michael." She ran down the stairs and came over to us. She gave Michael a small hug, then sat down in a single armchair next to us.
"What happened?" I asked when Michael had calmed down.
"They kicked me out." Michael then burst into tears again. When Michael cried, it hurt me, it killed me. I word away his tears with my thumb, allowing him to continue. "They said that they did not agree with my decision of being gay. I tried to explain that being gay is not a decision, it's not a choice, I was born this way, but they wouldn't listen. My dad said that I was being a drama queen. He said it was because they wouldn't get me a new car, but I never asked for a new one." Michael turned and looked me dead in the eyes. "I told them about you Gavin. I hoped that if they new that I had a boyfriend, someone who I deeply cared about that was of the same gender, they would understand. But then they kicked me out." Michael broke eye contact with me and stared at the floor. "My own dad packed a suitcase for me, and threw me out of my house. I have no where to go, but my parents don't care. Now that they know that I'm gay, they act like I've told them that I just killed someone."
"You can stay with us." My mum smiled sadly at Michael.
"No, I couldn't ask that of you guys."
"It's fine, you can sleep in Gavin's room, and it would only be for a short while anyway, seen as you will be going to college soon."
"Really, thank you." Michael smiled and went over to where my mum was sitting, then he hugged her.
"Well it's getting late, so I'm going to go to bed." My mum said as her and Michael broke from the hug, and she stood up.
"Night mum." I smiled.
"Night Mrs Free, thank you for everything." Michael waved as my mum went upstairs, before disappearing into her bedroom. I could see that Michael was still extremely sad, so I did the only thing that I knew would cheer him up. I walked over to him, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He cupped my cheeks with his hands as our lips melted together. Soon we were both breathless, so we pulled apart.
"Gavin." Michael said with a serious tone as he looked me straight in the eyes. "I now know that I can honestly say this." I was worried, was Michael going to break up with me. "I love you, Gavin, I love you so unbelievably much." I gasped and felt tears sting the corners of my eyes.
"I love you so much too!" I exclaimed before jumping into his arms. Michael smiled and then we both say down on the couch. Michael laid down slightly on the couch, and I put my head on his chest whilst laying down. He took my hand in his before smiling.
"So, what film are we watching then?"

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