Chapter 23

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So I'm going to summer in the city and have got tickets to Dan and Phil's live show, that's why I haven't posted in nearly a month. So first of all I'm sorry, and second of all I'm freaking out. I am going to summer in the city and meeting Dan and Phil, PJ, Luke and hopefully a bunch of other you tubers which are going, and I'm going to the amazing tour is not on fire with one of my best friends Hannah! So I am so happy and excited and eee! Are any of you guys going to the tour or summer in the city so we can talk and freak out together? Anyways, as always, on with the story that I haven't updated in ages.


Michael was showering, leaving me alone to ponder in my own thoughts. I was sitting down on my bed when my phone vibrated, signalling that I had gotten a text. I grabbed my phone and looked at the text, I tutted at what I saw.

Michael's Mother~ Michael has just got a reply from the sports college he applied to.

I've never told Michael this, but I've kept in contact with his mother. Even though his family is a very homophobic one, she still worries about him.
"Michael, I'm just going to pop out for a bit!" I called out.
"Okay, bye, love you." Michael called back, causing a small smile to appear on my face.
"Love you too!" I walked out of my room and down the stairs. I quickly slipped my shoes in before going outside. I caught a bus to the bus stop near Michael's house, or should I say, Michael's old house. I walked up the gravel path and knocked sternly on the wooden door. A few moments later Michael's mum opened up the door.
"Hello Gavin." His mum rolled her eyes slightly before forcefully handing over the letter, as if she didn't want it in her possession anymore. "Bye." She muttered before closing the door on me, not even letting me get q single word in. I rolled my eyes before walking back down the gravel path and to the bus stop. I waited about ten minutes before the bus arrived. I jumped on it and took the short ride back home. I opened my front door and closed it loudly so Michael would know that I have returned home.
"Gavin, is that you?" Michael asked, walking out of my room, well our room, in shorts and a black t-shirt.
"Who else would it be, love." I joked as I rolled my eyes whilst laughing.
"What's that?" Michael asked, pointing to the envelope in my hand.
"Just a response from that sports college that you applied for." I grinned cheekily as I held it out in front of me.
"Really!" Michael beamed as he ran downstairs. Taking the envelope from me. We sat down on the couch next to each other as Michael eagerly opened the letter. He skimmed through the letter and when he got to the bottom his smile fell.
"Another college will be happy to have you as a student." I smiled sadly as I put my hand in his shoulder.
"No, I got in." Michael said in disbelief as he looked up at me, a sad glint in his eyes.
"Why are you sad then?" I was confused.
"Because I'll have to leave you. The college is one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight miles away. It's in New York."

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