Chapter 16

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"How do you think Michael's getting on?" Ray asked me over the lunch table. Me, Ray, Meg and Tina had finished eating and were nervously awaiting Michael's arrival. Michael had gone to the sports coach about the other jocks not wanting Michael as captain, well not wanting him on the teams at all. Michael was captain of the American football, basketball and ice hockey teams, he would be captain of the soccer team, as football is called soccer out here in America, but he doesn't play it, he's never really taken an interest to it. "Gavin?" Ray asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
"What, sorry I zoned out for a little bit, I think he's doing-" I was cut off by something being thrown at the back of my head. I looked down and saw an empty water bottle hit the floor, that's what hit me. I heard the jocks and the cheerleaders laughing, it must've been them.
"I can't believe those assholes." Meg muttered under her breath.
"It's fine." I sighed. "They are arses but-"
"What are you ass wipes doing!" I heard a voice shout. The whole cafeteria went silent. I turned around and looked at the source of the voice. Michael. I smiled sadly at him. The jocks and cheerleaders just stared at him, not knowing how to respond.
"Finally shut your trap for once Lindsay!" Ray yelled as he stood up, sticking up for me and Michael.
"We were just having a bit of fun Michael, honest." Lindsay said looking scared for once. Michael looked behind him at the band geeks table, where I assume that jock was sitting who got kicked out for being gay.
"Mind if I borrow this?" Michael asked sweetly.
"Not at all Michael, make her pay." The kid grinned evilly. Michael picked up the kids full water bottle and walked up behind Lindsay. Michael opened the water bottle slowly.
"Michael, dear, what are you doing?" She panicked.
"I'm not your dear." Michael snarled as he held the water bottle above her head. "I'm just having a bit of fun, like you were with Gavin." Michael grinned before pouring all of the water over Lindsay. Lindsay screamed before running out of the cafeteria, clearly embarrassed. The rest of the cheerleaders followed her out. "I'll see you guys in practice, coach's orders." Michael smirked before walking over to me. "Oh and one more thing, do everyone a favour and just-"
"Piss of you smeg pots!" I cut in. The jocks mumbled angrily between themselves before leaving. Michael picked up the water bottle and threw it at the back of Jacks head.
"Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Meg yelled as the door slammed shut.
"Thanks babe, that was amazing!" I smiled at Michael before we all sat down. "So what did the coach say?"
"The coach says that if anyone has a problem with me being on the team then they can leave the team, seen as the coach says that I'm the best player by a long shot, or in his words, by how far I can throw a football."

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