Chapter 4: The Unexpected Arrival

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I was halfway through eating my breakfast when the doorbell went. I got up and opened it to see Michael standing there, his hands on the top of the door frame, showing off his biceps. I seemed to melt then and there at just the look of Michael.
"You want a ride Gavin?" Michael asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"What, oh, okay, sure, you can give me a ride, or lift as we say in England." I stumbled over my words as I got my bag. I walked out to Michaels car to see Lindsay sitting in the front seat. She gave me a dirty look, making me look down nervously at my feet. I got in the back of his car and shut my mouth. I listened to Lindsay talking about stupid cheerleading and what not.
"I have a basketball game tonight Gavvy, you should come." Michael smiled at me through his car mirror.
"Why does he have to come baby, he knows nothing about sports." She spat. Her calling him baby was like a dagger in me.
"He gets to come to show school spirit." He countered casing me to smile that he was sticking up for me.
"I don't have to come." I mumbled.
"Yes you do Gavvy." Michael said as we pulled up to the school.
"Fine, the stupid Brit can come, why don't you invite the whole of the geek club whilst your at it." She said, clearly annoyed as she got out of his car and slammed the door.
"Lindsay, wait." But he was too late as she had already stormed off. "Why am I dating that girl?" I heard him whisper.
"Break up with her if you don't like her in that way." I told him, putting a friendly hand on his shoulder as we got out of his car.
"You didn't hear that." He said to me with wide eyes.
"What?" I asked. Maybe I wasn't supposed to hear in the first place but I accidentally did.
"Me and Lindsay didn't have a fight and you didn't hear that." He locked his car before he ran off. His butt looks so great in those gym shorts of his. Gavin, stop before you say something out loud. I shook the thought out of my head before I walked into school. Lunch time rolled around and I sat on the corner table with Ray and his friend Ryan. Ryan was cool, but a little mad. He makes me question if certain people who are on the streets actually belong in an insane asylum.
"Are you a bit insane?" I asked Ryan.
"Sorta." He laughed maniacally.
"Calm down Ryan, please don't scare off another one of my friends." Ray begged.
"It's cool, Ryan's actually pretty funny, even if he is a bit insane." I chuckled.
"I'm not insane, just a little mad, but isn't everyone." He smiled creepily before getting up and walking off, leaving his lunch.
"Not again." Ray sighed.
"He does this often?" I asked.
"Nearly everyday, he needs like a therapist or something I swear." Ray answered.
"At least we get free food." I smiled earning a slight laugh off of Ray. It was coming up for the end of the day and I managed to get Ray to come with me to Michaels basketball game. From Ray I found out that he is the captain, as he is to many sports in this school. We walked in and took a seat behind where the cheerleaders sit,as Ray said it was the best seat in the house, maybe for him because he's into girls, but not for me, so I had to pretend so I could hide me being gay. Michael walked out in those shorts that make him look damn fine. He waved in my general direction so I waved back, not realising that he was waving at Lindsay.
"Who are you waving at, freak." She said , as if her words were venom that she was spitting on me. I frowned and sat hunched over in the chair, tears threatening to spill over my face. I looked up and saw Michael coming this way. I looked down as he was coming to speak with Lindsay.
"Hey babe-"
"Are you okay Gavvy?" Michael asked, cutting Lindsay off. I nodded, putting on a weak smile. "Okay then, well, enjoy the game and remember I'll come over at the end of this week." He smiled as he ran back to the court.
"Didn't Michael say that he had family business to attend to at the end of this week, thats why you couldn't go round his." One of Lindsay's friends reminded her.
"How dare he." She screamed as she threw her pom poms down and stormed off as the game started. I heard Ray chuckling next to me.
"I've never seen Lindsay so embarrassed and angry at the same time, that's gold." Ray increased his chuckle to a full on laugh. "You're something else Gavin, you really are." Ray said as he wiped a tear away.

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