Chapter 14

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I met Ray at the bus stop this morning. We got on the bus and sat down in our usual seats. After a couple of stops I heard a familiar voice. Lindsay. My teeth gritted and my jaw tensed. She walked past me and started laughing. Behind her trailed a girl that I have never seen before. She had red hair that came down to just below her shoulders. She was in the green cheerleaders uniform, same as the girl behind her, who I hadn't seen before either. She had long black hair that was pulled up into a bun, she was also wearing a cheerleader uniform. I saw Ray turn around and look at the girl with the dark hair.
"Come sit up here with us." Lindsay giggled slightly.
"No, we're fine sitting here." The red haired girl said in a sweet voice.
"Fine, sit near the losers." Lindsay scoffed as she looked at me and Ray. She rolled her eyes before sitting at the back, flirting with everyone 'cool' enough. The two girls that I have never seen before sat down behind me and Ray.
"What's her deal with you two?" The red haired asked.
"We don't know." Me and Ray said at the same time.
"I'm Gavin." I smiled as I turned around to look at the girls.
"I'm Ray." Ray introduced himself.
"I'm Meg, and this is Tina." Who I now know as Meg said with a small smile.
"Hi." Tina said shyly, as she looked up at Ray and then quickly looked down when her eyes met his. I saw her blush a light pink and so did Ray. Oh, I think Ray likes someone. We spoke for the rest of the journey to school, enjoying each others company, as, unlike every other cheerleader at this school, these girls were actually nice.

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