Chapter 8: The Evil In Green

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My alarm sounded and I groaned. Me and Michael really should have gone to bed earlier. That's when I remembered that Michael slept with me last night. I sat up and shook Michael slightly.
"Wake up sleepy head." I chirped. I heard Michael groan slightly. I climbed on top of him and began shaking him even more. He took me by surprise and flipped me over so that we switched positions. "No fair." I pouted playfully.
"I'm one of the strongest, if not the strongest jock in the school, you should've known not to mess with me." He chuckled as he booped my nose. "And seen as you're under my control." He smirked before kissing me.
"We have to get ready for school." I mumbled against his lips.
"Fine." He sighed before climbing off of me and running to the bathroom.
"You mingy little gimp." I called to him which made him laugh.
"What's a mingy little gimp?" He asked.
"A mingy little gimp." I answered.
"You're crazy." He chuckled as he entered the bathroom. "Have you got any t-shirts that I could borrow?" Michael asked as he walked out of the ensuite. "And make sure it's your biggest one." He told me.
"Okay, I'll get you one." I told him. I opened up my wardrobe and got my smallest black t-shirt. I smirked to myself as I shut the wardrobe. I passed it to him. "It's the biggest one that I have." I lied. He took off the shirt that he was wearing, causing me to blush. He squeezed on the shirt which hugged all of his muscles, God was he hot.
"Are you sure it's the largest one you have?" He asked as he picked up his bag.
"Positive." I chuckled under my breath. We walked downstairs and ate some breakfast. We walked to the bus stop and everyone started staring at us, I felt extremely uncomfortable. Michael must of noticed this because he pushed me behind him discreetly, seen as he is so much taller than me people couldn't stare at me, but this left all eyes on him.
"What." He hissed out causing everyone to turn away in fear. I was shocked at the power Michael had over people in the school, but I guess it's because he's one of the popular jocks. What I've hear is that everyone knows Michael, and mostly everyone is scared of him because of his temper, at least that's what Ray told me, but I've never seen Michael angry. I wonder what he's like angry? God he must be so hot when he's angry.
"Gavvy!" Michael yelled whilst snapping his fingers in my face.
"Wha-what?" I asked in a daze still.
"The bus is here." He told me. "God you're such an idiot sometimes." He laughed as he let me get on the bus first. I looked through the sea of people sitting on the bus to find Ray but there was no sign of him. I guess I'll have to be alone today, well I'll stick with Ryan but he's usually talking to himself, talking crazy or walking off, all well, Ryan's better than nothing. I took a seat on a spare spongey seat, Michael sitting next to me as the bus started.
"Look down like you lost something under the seats." Michael commanded.
"Okay?" My words came out as more of a question but I did what Michael said. He came down with me and lifted his jock jacket over our heads and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss before Michael pulled away.
"I forgot to to that before we left because you mother was there." He told me.
"Okay." I smiled as we sat back up and he put his jacket back on. I wanted him to leave it off as my tiny shirt made him look so unbelievably good. When we got to school there was no sign of Ray, Michael helped me look for him but by this time we had both given up.
"Michael." Lindsay screeched from the other side of the hall way. She came over to Michael, completely ignoring me. She was wearing her green cheerleader dress with green trainers and she had her hair up in a high ponytail which was tied with a green ribbon. "Where the hell where you last night." She shouted, placing a finger on Michaels chest.
"I was tutoring Gavin." He told her whilst knocking her finger off of his chest, keeping his promise to me.
"Well maybe I wanted to see you." She smiled whilst placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Well I was busy." He said through gritted teeth whilst swatting her hand off of his shoulder.
"Busy with this stupid idiot of a human being!" She screamed.
"Actually he's getting higher grades than you." He countered before storming off. What Lindsay said actually really hurt. She paced over to me.
She whispered in my ear, "You leave him alone or else." I could feel her venom hurting my ears as she said this. She then pushed me into the lockers causing my books to spill all over the floor.
"Idiot." Joe laughed as he pushed me into the floor.
"Need some help there?" A familiar voice asked.
"Ray!" I smiled, so happy to see him. I picked up the last of my books with some help before standing up.
"You okay man?" He raised an eyebrow. No matter how much I wanted to tell him everything and no matter how much I wanted to cry I couldn't.
"I accidentally walked into someone." I lied. "I'm okay, just clumsy old me."

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