Chapter 15

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The bus dropped me and Ray off at the school and we walked inside.
"Those girls were far to nice to be cheerleaders." Ray said as we walked over to my locker.
"They're far too nice to be hanging around with Lindsay." I said as I opened my locker and put some books in. I then heard giggling behind us and saw all of the cheerleaders walk pass, engrossed in pointless conversation. I noticed that Meg and Tina were right at the back, talking to each other and looking pretty distant from the other cheerleaders. I saw Tina look over at Ray and wave slightly, causing Ray to blush as he turned around and faced the locker. Meg picked her tongue out at me as she pointed to something behind me. I knitted my eyebrows together as I turned around and looked towards what she was pointing at. "Michael!" I exclaimed.
"Hey Gavvy!" Michael half smiled, causing one of his dimples to show as he gave me a quick hug.
"Hey gaylords, you gonna go bang in the changing rooms!" Lindsay teased as she yelled at us, causing all of the cheerleaders to laugh apart from Meg and Tina, they looked disgusted. I put my head down as I turned away from them.
"Leave them alone!" Meg spoke up to Lindsay.
"Oh really, and who are you again?" Lindsay giggled evilly.
"I'm a girl who is disgusted and horrified at your statement towards my friend." Meg countered as she pointed at me. "I do not care who I was in my old school. I just know that me and Tina, even though we are the best cheerleaders in our old school, want nothing to do with it anymore." Meg raised her voice slightly.
"If we have to act like you to be a cheerleader, then you can shove that up you evil, condescending, rude ass of yours!" Tina yelled at Lindsay before her and Lindsay walked away and down to us. I was shocked, I never knew that such nice girls, especially Tina, had that in them. Lindsay tutted and scoffed before storming off with her crew.
"That was..." I didn't have any words.
"Awesome." Michael finished for me as he took my hand in his.
"Exactly." I smiled as I looked up at Michael.
"Awesome, like the time that I got that gold NES legend of Zelda cartridge!" Tina exclaimed slightly before blushing at her sudden outbreak. "Sorry." Tina said softly.
"No, don't be sorry, I always wanted to get one of those." Ray smiled as he stood closer to Tina.
"You want to come over later and play it?" Tina asked whilst fiddling with her hands.
"Is the moon in Majora's mask scary?" Ray smiled.
"Yes." Tina answered, slightly confused.
"Well that's my answer."
"Cool." She smiled as her and Ray walked off, talking about video games.
"Aww, nerds in love." Meg chuckled slightly.
"Who, Ray and Tina?" Michael asked playfully.
"No, you two, who'd you think I was talking about." Meg stated sarcastically as we walked off to out form room.

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