Chapter 25

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Today was the day. Today will be the hardest day of my life. Today will be the day that I would have to say goodbye to Michael. We had just finished packing his case and we were barely talking. The atmosphere was a sad one but it wasn't awkward. Michael looked up at me before kissing my forehead. He smiled weakly at me before we both walked downstairs where my mum was waiting. When she saw Michael she engulfed him into a huge hug.
"Good luck." She smiled as they let go of each other. "It was lovely having you live here, and you are welcome back anytime." My mum informed him.
"Thank you Mrs Free, it was so nice of you to let me stay here." Michael replied quietly before kissing her cheek. "Bye!" Michael said as we walked to the door, Michael dragging one suitcase behind him and me dragging his other one behind me. Just as I was about to open the door Michael perked up. "Wait, I think I left something upstairs." And with that he ran upstairs. I chuckled slightly to myself but on the inside I was dying. Michael was leaving me and there was nothing I could do about it. I shook off this thought as I heard Michael bound back down the stairs. He came back to my front door and I then opened it.
"Bye mum!" I called out.
"Bye Mrs Free!" Michael called out after me.
"Bye!" My mum yelled back. Me and Michael stepped out into the warm Austin air as we dragged the suitcases behind us. We walked over to the taxi that my mum ordered for us. We placed the two suitcases in the back and then got in. The driver started driving as soon as we sat down and closed the doors as my mum had told him where we were going over the phone. My hand rested in the middle seat of the back and soon after I felt Michaels hand on top of mine. I looked up at him and saw him blush slightly. I took him hand in mine and gave him a reassuring smile, causing his blush to slowly fade as I stated into his chocolate brown eyes that I could get lost in for hours. Before I new it the taxi had stopped. We were here. I swallowed thickly as a lump was forming in my throat. Michael paid the driver and then we both stepped out, letting go of each other's hand. We both walked around the back and got out the two suitcases, each of us dragging one. Michael took my hand and then walked into the airport. It was busy but not extremely busy, just bearable. We slowly walked up to his check in guest. Michael was talking to the check in lady but I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying. It as weird, like I knew which one was speaking at different times, but I just didn't register the words that they were saying, it was like the words went in one ear and out the other. I heard the conveyer belt rev into action and then saw the suitcases being pushed along by the conveyer belt, disappearing behind a black curtain. I felt Michael take my hand and then we were walking again. This is it. This is the moment that I have been dreading ever since I met Michael. The moment I had to say goodbye. We stood in front of security, but about ten metres in front of it. Michael took both my hands in his and then looked me straight in the eye.
"Now the hard part." Michael mumbled. "Saying goodbye." He said a little clearer. "I guess this is it." It was at this moment that I couldn't hold myself together. I cracked and let the tears roll down my face. Michael pulled me close to him so my head was buried in his chest as I sobbed into his t-shirt. After I had composed myself I stood back to my original position.
"Goodbye." I choked out as tears rolled down my cheek still. It was at this point that I noticed a few tears escape from Michaels eye. I wiped them off of his face with my thump, to then have Michaels hand hold the one that was against his facing, keeping it up there. He leant into my touch a little before speaking.
"Goodbye Gavin." He started out, looking down at me. "I love you so much." Michael then leant down and kissed my lips for a good five seconds, causing electricity to pulse through out my veins. He pulled back and I could now notice that significantly more tears were spilling over our eyes.
"I love you too." I cried out. As he hugged me again. We pulled away and then a voice was heard coming over the speaker.
"Flight number 2022 to New York will start boarding in ten minutes, so start making your way to gate number 09."
"This is it." Michael breathed out with a shaky breath before running his hands through his hair. He leant down and kissed me for around ten seconds, causing fireworks to fly around me until the abruptly stopped and Michael had to be brutally ripped away from me. He quickly pecked my forehead before whispering, "I love you Gavin." In my ear and walking towards security. Once he was through he looked back at me one last time before he disappeared into the crowd. I stood there helpless before my phone went of, arising me from my thoughts. I looked down and smiled at who it was from.

Michael~ Miss you so much already, I love you.
Me~ I love you too and I miss you too much it's unbearable.

I then slipped my phone back into my pocket before quickly walking out of the airport, wanting to get away from this horrible place that reminds me of Michael. I waved down a taxi and got inside. Telling him my home address before my phone went off. I got it out of my pocket as the taxi started moving.

Michael~ My flight is now boarding so I'll text you as soon as I land in New York.
Me~ Okay, enjoy your flight love xxx.

I put my phone back in my pocket and just stared out of the window, watching the scenery fly past. Before I knew it I was back home. I paid the taxi driver before stepping out and walking up to my home. I opened it with my key and saw a note on the kitchen table as soon as I entered. I kicked off my shoes and then read over the note.

Had to go to work so you can get pizza tonight with some money I left in your room. Don't be too sad that Michaels gone, as this will benefit both the future of him and of yours.
~Love mum.

I smiled sadly at the letter but then ran up the stairs and to my room to get the money so I don't forget about it. I open the door and when I get there I am greeted with another note but with completely different handwriting. I walk over to the bed and pick up the note which was resting on a green jacket and green hoodie. I inspected the handwriting and notice that it is Michaels straight away.

Dear Gavvy
I wanted to give you something to remember me by whilst I'm away at university. I decided to give you my favourite green hoodie that always looked better on you as it really brings out your eyes. I also decided to give you my jock jacket as I won't be needing it any more and I loved when you wore it on the first football game you watched as my official boyfriend. I love you Gavin, and even if we are many miles apart, you will always have a piece of me with you. You will always have my heart.
~Mikey xxx.

I place the note to the side and then pick up the green hoodie. I put it on and hug the sleeves as it still smells like Michael. I sink down my wall and sit there, letting tears spill over my eyes. I love you Michael, please come back to me.

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