pg 5

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It was a matter of seconds before Rachael took the spoon and started turning the pudding.

"Oh my God... Oh my God... The pudding! Oh my... Oh my God!" Lydia was busy walking about nervously talking in fear. The pudding was turning pink now. She could see it. Does it mean it has burn?

"Mr Barlow is gonna fire me right?"

"Oh no. It's just a little burn. Besides, he'll never know" Rachael continued turning the soup like her life depended on it as she positively assured Lydia.

"But it's pink. It was red before. That's a bad thing right?" Lydia asked Rachael worry showing all over her face.

"It's actually yellow. Like when it's done, it gets yellow" Rachael tried explaining but she saw Lydia wasn't understanding. It was clear in her facial expression. "It's a yellow soup" she pointed out.

"Yellow soup? What does that even mean?"

"I don't know Lydia. I found out the same way you're just finding out. Now, why don't you check out why those four are staring at you and I'll be right here turning this soup"

Lydia had already forgotten about the foursome. She lifted her gaze to them and wasn't at all surprised they were still looking at her. That's just great.

"No thank you. You can give me my job back" Lydia longed for the spoon.

"Don't be silly. Brian is calling you" Lydia pointed out.

"He's called Brian?"


"I was thinking he'll be a more Micheal, or Brad or you know? Now, may I?" She took the spoon from Rachael and started turning the now turning yellow soup. What was this soup actually for? And who gets paid for a job turning soup? This soup has been cooking for at least four hours give or take, if she was being honest and it still hasn't done. Not that she knew when it was done. She sighed in frustration, so much for getting a job. She didn't blame the guy that left the job few hours ago, this was stupid.

"Lydia you can't be real now. Every girl is dying to be in your shoes right now" Rachael reminded her of what they were talking about.

"I'm not going to meet him Rachael. You're free to go if you wanna" Lydia said and continued turning the soup. It was obvious the soup was getting yellowish now, the lines where all yellow and the center was pink. "What do you guys use this soup for in the bar anyway?" She had to ask.

"It's for Mr Barlow. It's a family thing. I don't really know. He usually gathers the soup home everyday after we close. Says he's wife would be damn proud of him, but if I must be honest I don't think Mr Barlow is married or has a family. But he doesn't cook the yellow soup everytime. It's mostly during family thanksgivings" she shrugged.

Why would Mr Barlow cook his personal family soup in the bar and worse of all, pay someone to turn it? She was furious now, this was madness. But before she could utter her feelings out loud the foursome where at the front of the counter.

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