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There was no need in painting the matter calm, Brian was missing at Rachael had to speak up.

"What?" Red asked confused.

"I don't know... We just... He was..."

"Okay. Stay right there. I'm coming" he hung up.

"What did he say?" Lydia asked curiosity giving away her eyes.

"He's on his way" Rachael replied. Something's not right.

After long minutes of waiting for Red, he finally arrived. "Red!" Lydia ran to him. He was the one, she noticed, with the Indian accent.

"What did you mean by Brian's missing?" Red asked Rachael.

"We've been looking everywhere for him and we found his phone here" she replied him.

"Where exactly?" He asked her.

"Right there" she pointed at the toilet and they all approached it.

After looking at everywhere possible inside a four corner block toilet, Red held his waist, standing upright.

"What's it Red?" Lydia asked him.

"We need to keep searching before we go into any conclusions" he walked out of the restroom.

"Where are we searching?" Lydia asked as she and Rachael both walked out of the restroom.

"Everywhere. I'll go that way. You head to the balustrade and Rachael head downstairs" he replied.

"Brian!" Lydia called out with all her voice; "Brian!" She screamed "shit" she swore and kept searching. This was definitely not what she signed up for. Where in God's name was Brian? She prayed something bad didn't happen to him. "Brian!"

She walked back to the balustrade where they discussed. She looked below, the party ground wasn't as filled up as before. Perhaps, everyone were also searching for him down there. Where are you Brian?

The sun had set now. It was pitch dark. She took her phone and turned on the torch light and then she suddenly heard a noise. Could that be Brian? She stood still and there was another noise! She turned swiftly. The room was pitch dark. Her torch light couldn't go far in the room.

"Brian?" She squinted her eyelids.

"Rachael... anybody?" She waved her phone around looking for what made that noise.


She moved forward, walking around the room. "Brian?" She felt oddly scared. There was no single sound, she thought her brain was playing pranks on her when she heard noises, she needed to hear a sound. A charter of something. Anything. Her voice was only soothing her a little. Then the noise came again. It was close. Not far. She couldn't believe she smiled in this situation. Maybe Brian was really playing a prank on them after all. He's a really funny guy, she learned that not to long ago and wouldn't be surprised if he was actually playing such a serious prank.

The noise again.


What was that noise?

She stupidly followed it, not minding the consequences. Luckily for her, she found a switch and switched it on.

The room was very wide. A hand gripped her back and she leaped in fear, turning to face Red. "Red?!" It was Red all along. "Holy fuck!" She swore out loud.

"My God. You look like you've seen a ghost" he remarked.

"You scared me" she tried to breathe.

"Sorry. Have you found him yet?"

"No. Rachael?"

"She's still searching downstairs" he replied.

"I'm calling the police" Rachael badged on them.

"Rachael, call the them" Red ordered.

"I'm doing so" she dialed 911, going back to downstairs.

"I don't get it. We were discussing right at that place. Then he left to ease himself, I didn't hear or see any other person. I went back to the party leaving him here and... It just seems mysterious" Lydia said.

"Brian!" Red yelled.

"It's useless" Lydia shrugged and dropped her hands down in defeat.

"Did you guys search for him very well?" Red asked.

"We searched very well and everywhere Red. We even called out his name several times. Besides, Brian isn't a baby, he's not here" Lydia said.

"Lydia!" It was like a hushed whisper, mixed with fear and screaming.

Red and Lydia turned to see Rachael holding Brian's clothes.

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