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The party continued with music and dance and fun and Lydia and Brian could be found at the top of the lighthouse balustrade, talking.

"I didn't know today was your birthday?" Lydia said as she turned her gaze from the party to face him. She noticed how tall he was standing two feet away from her.

"It doesn't make any difference right?" He asked looking at her eyes with a slight grin on his face.

"I could have been a little nicer to you earlier today" she said noticing the dark blue in his eyeballs.

"Why so?" He asked, blinking as he did so.

"Nothing. I just feel like one shouldn't be insulted on his birthday" she said, shrugging.

"Fair. My friends and I decided to throw a small get together to celebrate my birthday at the beach" he explained.

"Happy birthday Brian" she wished him again.

"I think you've done that before but thank you" they both laughed and after a minute, he continued; "I don't think I've introduced you to my friends, they're very nice guys. They're Mark, Red and Jason" he said.

"Mark, Red, Jason" she repeated, nodding her head at each name. "Got it. It was amazing down there" she said to him.

"I can't take all the credits, you threw the ball" he raised his hands in defeat and she laughed again, he loved when she laughed, he always wanted to see her laughing.

"Nah. If you hadn't helped me. I bet we'd have lost the game" she said.

"True, true" he said and they both laughed. Their was something magical about her laugh, he could see it.

She sighed and placed her hands on the railing. "The view out here is beautiful"

He couldn't agree more and was about to say it was not as beautiful as she was when he stopped himself and instead said thus; "where are you from?"

She was surprised at his change of topic, but answered him anyway; "Boston"

"Nice place. Bet the view is nice there" he said.

"Not as beautiful as this place, right now" she admired the beach and the sun getting ready to set and the dreamy colorful atmosphere and all the people cheering from below and Brian watched her do that.

"You seem like someone who has never been here before" Brian said inquisitively.

"I just came on a vacation. A break from school stress, homeworks and what have you. I just wanted to live life somewhere else, discreetly" she explained.

"Oh... Rachael?" Brian asked.

Lydia couldn't help but laugh at that question. "Rachael's definitely a keeper until I'm back at LA" she said betwixt laughing.

Her laugh was contagious, Brian was smiling. "You stay at LA?"

"I school there. I actually live in Boston" she said.

"Cool. That's really cool" Lydia could see he was impressed. He really did little in hiding his facial expressions.

"Thank you" she said, smiling at him.

"You know I like you right?" He changed the topic again.

Lydia blushed looking down, then back up at him; "I think I figured that out some minutes ago". They both laughed and both didn't know when they started gazing at each other, light headed.

"I'm not interested in any attachments here" Lydia let out.

"Should I be jealous of Rachael?" Brian asked and they both laughed yet again. He was free to talk to and actually very friendly, she learned as she laughed freely and noticed he was watching her as she laughed. Why?

"I'm really sorry I didn't bring any birthday gifts. I didn't know it was your birthday we were celebrating" she said.

"It's okay. I'm happy you're here" he said innocently and she blushed again. "I'll be right back" he said about to leave.

"Where are you going?" She quickly asked.

"A guy's gotta piss when a guy's gotta piss" he raised both hands saying and Lydia laughed.

"Go away" she laughed and Brian giggled in return, leaving.

She liked him. There was no way around it. He was funny, handsome and free to talk to. So much for not wanting to make any friends or keep any relationship.

"Time to cut the cake, can I get everyone's attention please?" Rachael said with a mic.

Lydia better gets down. She turned back for any sight of Brian. None. She sighed.

She had to go down for the cutting of the cake and Brian wasn't back yet.

"Everyone please gather together at the beach" Rachael pleaded.

Lydia descended the lighthouse, Brian will figure out she'd gone to the party and come there too, she sighed.

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