Pg 16

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Suddenly, Jenny screamed; "oh God, this can't be happening again!" She sat on the floor, her hands on her knees.

"Mark, it isn't what happened to Clement right?" She stopped swaying back and forth and turned to look at Mark for reassurance and that was when Lydia saw the tears streaming from her eyes.

"Who is Clement?" Lydia stepped forward and asked them.

Jenny looked up in surprise. "He's Brian's friend, as well as Mark, Red and Jason. In fact, he was the leader of their squad before he......" She swallowed and hurriedly said; "died"

Died? "What happened to him?" Lydia knew the death wasn't a natural death. Something in the way Jenny spoke made her know that. She sat beside Jenny as she opened her mouth to speak.

"He was murdered in that lighthouse" Jenny replied. That lighthouse? Lydia thought carefully, it could be any lighthouse if Jenny said; the lighthouse, a lighthouse or just lighthouse - that lighthouse made it specifically the one sitting far away from her from the where supposed to be the window in the uncompleted building - white house.

"Jenny it's okay. You don't have to say anything you don't want to say" Rachael said breaking Lydia's trail of thought.

"I have to...! I have to...!" Jenny cried out so loud that Lydia had to hold her put. "I...was...there" she said softly, sobbing as Lydia held her warmly. "I was there when he was killed" she burst out in a new tears.

"Jenny?" Lydia was scared now as she called out her name.

Jenny started, with tears streaming down her eyes; "we just finished making out at the lighthouse that evening and we were so worn out, we laid on the floor, resting, playing, teasing" she paused. Nobody needed to tell her to continue because that was a dramatical pause. She continued; "then he came out. He came and punched me on my face making me dizzy to see clearly" in a low whimper she continued; "I was too scared to do anything and hid behind the pillar, watching the man kill Clement" she burst out crying again, but she wasn't true.

She calmed herself and continued narrating; "he was a man alright" she turned to Lydia, saying; "but I didn't see his face. I couldn't see his face. I was too scared to make a move" she froze.


Lydia could see the rage in Jenny's eyes. She could feel the guilt in her eyes. She pitied her. But somehow, along the story, Lydia had the strangest feeling that this whole thing linked to Brian.

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