Pg 18

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She was shivering - or more of vibrating. This wasn't cold.

A dead body was right at her front next to the beach. It was very exposed. How could they not have seen him before? Except, she froze, he was recently killed. She had to tell someone, she instinctively ran - flew - back to the bar, without looking back. Stopping at the bar, she saw Eric and Fred still asking questions to people who were seated.

Her guts told her not to tell the police men,not because she didn't like Eric or because they were poorly doing their job but she somehow knew it was a bad idea. She ran to the white house.

"Rachael! Mark! Re--" she caught her breathe and swallowed in air. They quickly approached her. "I...." Her lungs were getting hot "A...!" She had to scream to get words into her mouth. "I saw....." Damn! Her lungs were aching.

"What?" Jenny asked impatient and very curious.

"There's a dead body down the shore, outside" she inhaled and exhaled deeply. She wasn't asthmatic, but right now, this very moment, if she didn't look for air, she might turn asthmatic.

"What?!" Rachael said.

"Take us there" Red ordered her. She nodded and trying to catch her breathe, she ran to the beach, and they ran with her to the bloody scene.


"Okay, it's not Brian" Jude said.

"Who's he?" Pearl asked.

"I don't know. Maybe someone from the party" Mark replied Pearl, as they all stood looking at the dead body.

"Hey! What are you kids doing there?!" A fat officer appeared from nowhere screaming, Lydia and the rest almost jumped out of their skin. How did they get caught? Lydia thought, they must have made a lot of noise running back to the beach.

"We're just looking at---"

"Looking at what?!" He shut Lydia up.

"There's a body here and we do not know what happened" she bitterly explained.

Fred stepped forward along with two more police men, doing what seemed like studying the dead body.

"He might've been killed somewhere else, then brought out here for the beach to wash away" Red added.

"Leave here at once" the fat police man ordered.

"Excuse me officer, what about the body?" Pearl asked no one in particular.

"We need to know what's going on here. There's something going on beyond Brian's disappearance" Lydia spoke up.

"Don't you hear a word I say?! Back to the white house!" The fat police man thundered at them.

They all turned their back at him, leaving. Lydia swallowed in horror.

"You copy Mendes?" Lydia heard Fred make a call as they left. "There's someone on the loose. Send back up now" Lydia swallowed again, dead scared.

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