Pg 21

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It was almost an hour now and there was no news about Rachael or Brian. Lydia yawned as she turned her neck to face the window and she stiffed.

She blinked. Blinked again.

Suddenly she said; "Rachael?, It's Rachael!" She exclaimed and ran outside towards her. As she drew close, she stopped running and started walking. Rachael was walking drowsily, why? And she was stained with blood, Lydia's eyes grew wide.

There was blood all over Rachael's gown. She was weeping, quietly.

"Rachael?" Lydia froze on the spot and just as if nothing worse could happen, Rachael slumped into her hands. "Officer!"

Everyone drew near.

"Oh my goodness. Phil!" Eric cried out.

Where could the blood be coming from? Lydia thought as she hurriedly took Rachael inside the white house and sat her up. The blood wasn't reducing because it kept trailing like a river on the floor, then Lydia saw the source. Her waist! "Her waist!" Lydia cried out; "help! She's bleeding from her waist!"

She didn't want anything bad to happen to Rachael, she needed to know how she got missing, it was a very vital link to missing Brian. She watched as the medic department rushed out of the white house with Rachael on their bed.

Red, Mark, Jason, Jenny, Pearl, Jude and Lilly surrounded Rachael. Lydia went outside. "She needs to be taking to the hospital?" She said.

"No we need her here. She's still a part of this whole thing and we need to hear what she saw. After asking her some questions and we know we have everything we want, she'll be good to go" a police man said to her.

"What?!" Lydia burst out in flames.

"I assure you that all the care that'll be giving to her in a hospital will be giving to her here" he assured her.

Lydia wasn't buying that, "I'm highly against that" she said; "She badly needs to be taking to the hospital!"she cried out, dramatically.

"No need for overreactions Miss, I assure you that everything will be handled well" he held her shoulders, and she quickly shrugged herself of his grip, walking away. Why was she overreacting, she thought, she needed the information as badly as the officer needed it but hey! She could be next in Rachael shoes and that was the last thing she didn't want to happen.

She walked over to where the others surrounded Rachael, they had all dispersed except Jason who looked dejectedly at the beach sand. Lydia tried putting her hair, the wind was throwing at her face beside her ears while approaching him.

She sat beside him. "any updates?" She asked.

"No, she ain't talking" Jason replied, still looking at the floor, it wasn't supposed to be a contagious gesture, but as Lydiadia glanced at Rachael who was receiving medical treatment, she joined Jason in looking down at the floor.

"The police wants to ask her some questions" she said.

"To hell with their questions, Rachael needs medical attention!" He yelled out.

"You're right Jason. But, they're also right, we need this information. She could be the missing clue to finding Brian and you know that. Besides, I've already tried my best to get the officers to get her to a hospital, I don't think you'll go far" she advised.

Jason left her and went inside the white house.

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