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Lydia watched as Eric motioned for the three boys to sit and placed his hands in his pockets, standing at their front.

The police man looked around for a second, then he started; "where were you when Brian got missing?" He asked the three boys.

"Uhm... Partying" Jason seemed nervous.

"I was making out with my girlfriend, Jenny, at the white building. I'm not sure when he got missing but I was making out with her when I heard he was missing" Mark didn't act like someone who was being interrogated.

"And you?" Eric turned to Red.

Red looked at the tape recorder on the bar's desk and swallowed. Choosing his words carefully, he spoke; "Jason and I were dancing after the games when we heard that Brian was missing" he replied.

After a brief silence, Eric said; "Fred, find Jenny"

Red, Mark and Jason stood up and Rachael sat as she was told to. She didn't need anyone asking her questions because she knew what they were all going to ask her, so she started; "I was at the party discussing with Lilly and Pearl about the volleyball game we played earlier, then it was time to cut the cake and Brian was nowhere to be found. We waited a little bit for him,but he never showed up. So I became worried when I saw Lydia approach me............" She narrated her full ordeal to the police man and Lydia started getting tired of standing, waiting for her to be through.

When it was Lydia's turn, she sat and started; "he said he needed my company after the volleyball game and I followed him to the lighthouse. We stood at the top floor discussing...."

"Discussing what exactly?" Eric interrupted her.

She looked at him for a short second, she didn't think that was supposed to be any of his business. "Discussing about school stuffs. He said he liked me and he was hitting on me...kind of. We also talked about the beach and his birthday party and... Yeah, stuffs like that"

"Go on" Eric pushed her on.

"He excused himself to the restroom and left me waiting and i grew bored and tired of waiting and went down to the party and I saw Rachael and yeah, here we are" she concluded.

"You said you grew tired of waiting, right?" Eric asked her, trying to get something right.

"Yeah" she replied abruptly.

"How many minutes did it take you to get tired of waiting for him miss?" Eric asked her, squatting to her level.

"I don't know. I didn't really take notice or calculate the time. All I know is that, I waited. I waited for a long time, I thought my legs would grow sore. I... I thought if I left to the party, he'll figure that out and come join his party" she let out.

"You're lying" Eric simply said.

"I'm not!" Lydia couldn't believe she shouted.

"You said he was hitting on you, couldn't you be a little more patient and wait for him?" The police man sat opposite her.

Okay, if this was some kind of sick joke or interrogation the police man was using on her, it wasn't going to work. She sat up.

"I waited officer. I waited God knows how long and I grew bored and tired and I left!" She pointed out growing impatient.


"Lydia" she spat out.

"Miss Lydia" Eric corrected; "...why can't I believe your story?"

"I don't know, it's your problem" she shrugged, looking up at him.

"Hmm" he stood back up. "While you were waiting for him, did you happen to see someone or hear anything suspicious?" He asked her.

Lydia was getting tired. Why was I question different from the others? Was it because she was the last to be with him before he got missing? Now, she regretted being in her shoes, if only it had been anyone but her on that balustrade. But, she knew she had to tell the truth, finding Brian was as important to her as it was to Rachael and the rest unfortunately. She sighed.

"No officer. I saw no one and I heard nothing" she answered.

"Nothing?" He asked.

What the---- "nothing" she repeated.

"Okay. I think that's all I need to know for now. Fred where's Jenny?" He said and Rachael stood up as Jenny sat. She was a bit younger and looked like she was being arrested.

"I'm...." Jenny swallowed uncomfortably. "I'm save right?" She started to ask. "There's no trouble?"

Eric have a short laugh. "There'll be trouble" he replied her.

She started trembling.

"Can you please explain to us where you were for the last hour and a half?" He said to frightened looking Jenny.

"I..." She paused, blushing; "I......." She paused again, not knowing how to explain her ordeal; "Mark and I were together when Brian got missing" she blushed brightly.

"Mark said you guys were having sex, is it true?" Eric asked and Lydia was convinced she hate this police man.

"Y-yes" she brought her eyes to her fingers, blushing helplessly. Lydia really pitied Jenny.

Jenny swallowed, then continued; "we were having sex, when Jude opened the door and told us the news about B-Brian" she let out.

"Fred, I need Jude here now" Eric ordered and within seconds a nonchallant youth sat at Eric's front.

"Where were you before Brian got missing?" Eric sounded like a complete detective, Lydia remarked.

"Peeing outside, behind the white house" he simply explained.

"And?" Eric drawled.

"I heard words that Brian hadn't come to cut his cake and learnt that he was missing. Just as I was about joining them in the party, I heard noise from inside the white house and found Mark making out with Jenny. Damn! I grew furious. Mark was busy screwing around when his bud had gone missing. I jammed the door open furiously and told him Brian was missing" Jude must be a passionate narrator, Lydia thought silently.

"That's that" Eric seemed satisfied.

Lilly and Pearl sat next.

"And where were you too?" He asked them, not minding who would reply first.

"With Rachael, discussing"

"Thanks. I'm done with you" he said more annoyed, than releaved. He felt like he had wasted a good amount of time without getting any good results.

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