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Lydia saw a track of blood ascending. She could barely hold herself from screaming inside the river, she drew nearer.

And this time, she screamed. I don't know if it's possible to scream when one is inside a river, there has been no knowledge of that till this date, except a miracle scientist has done something of that sort, but Lydia screamed inside the river on seeing Brian.

He was white, inside the dark blue river. He was naked and white and Lydia forgot all logic of morality as she swam to him.

He was so pale. She touched his lifeless, pale white face, chest and stomach. She knew it was futile, but she jerked him to wake up and that was when she found blood gushing out from the back of his head. She raised his head and regardless of the darkness, she saw the fine sharp tin edge of the stone his head laid on... Where his head had hit.

She was fast running out of air, it was either she left Brian there or took him with her to the surface. She resolved to the latter.

It wasn't an easy task carrying him and swimming at the same time and it was even harder at the wave was getting heavier making Brian's weight too much but, Lydia wasn't giving up.

And just as if her lungs would fail her and she would drown, she made it to the top and heaved a long sigh of air into her lungs.

"Oh my God..." Someone said, as she swam to her feet and dropping Brian down, dragged him to the earth.

"It's Brian..." Others came and helped her as she gave way for her legs to take over, and fell on the bare sand, trying to slow her breathing. They were all dazed.

"How did you know this?" Fred asked her inquisitively.

"The foot track..." She steadied her breathing pace and continued; "I saw a foot track that led me directly to the river. I figured something was beyond the river and remembering what Eric said about seeing Mr bogus at the beach, I entered the river" she crawled to Brian as her legs were still weak.
Fred looked at her in daze.

"Brian..? Brian...? Please wake up" Rachael cried out in tears.

"He's dead" Lydia announced.

"He's still alive. Lydia I know it, perhaps he needs a respiratory--"

"Rachael, he's dead. I saw him bleeding in the river" she raised her hands mid air and let them fall hopelessly.

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