Pg 12

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00:00 AM

The police men, Lydia, Red, Rachael, Jason and Mark all got tired of the endless search. They were all back downstairs, lurking around.

"Mendes you copy?" The police man talked on a small walky talky remote.

"Roger Eric, what's the situation?" A radio like noise responded from the walky talky remote.

"We've got a little problem here. A boy called Brian Hart seems to be missing can you run that for us? I'll get back to you in a minute" the police man - Eric - talked to his walky talky remote.

"Copy that" Mendes responded.

"Oh..." Eric ran his hand through his dark short hair; "...and we've got his clothes"

"Okay Eric. Boy, missing, clothes. Got it" Mendes hung up.

"I'm going to need everybody's alibi. Can you gather everyone at this party together in a quiet place? This is very important if we need to find Brian" Eric said to everyone in the lighthouse who cared to listen. "I just hope this isn't what I think it is" he muttered to himself but Lydia was fast enough to grasp it. She wanted to ask what he meant by that, she wanted to know if Brian was okay, she wanted to know what was going on and she was going to find out. She kept shut as they all left the lighthouse.

"We need to be on the lookout. Watch the premises and nobody leaves" Eric ordered around as they approached the beach.

"Nobody leaves the perimeter. Everyone stay put, I repeat stay put!" A loud order was passed around.

Lydia shivered. She felt the cold air penetrating her spine, she instinctively hugged herself as she walked along with them. She was scared.

"I'll start with you guys" Eric said as they enter the closed Brink bar.

The place was very quiet and dark unlike in the morning, then Lydia recalled that the bar was unlocked and thought that was not right.

"Is this how boss leaves the bar?" She whispered to Rachael.

"We lost the key last year and he's been grumbling something about money to buy a new one" she whispered back to her, and the lights came on. Someone had put on the light and it was bright, but still quiet.

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