Pg 9

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"where's Brian?" Rachael asked Lydia as she approached the party.

"The lighthouse" Lydia replied.

"Doing what? Shouldn't he be here cutting his cake?" Rachael grew worried.

"Rachael calm down, he'll be out soon" Lydia said to her. She wondered how long it took a man to pee, put on his pants, wash his hands, and head down to his party. What was Brian still doing?

"Lydia, you're super sure he's in the lighthouse?" Rachael asked her.

"Rachael he's peeing" Lydia simply said.

"For how long?" Rachael asked.

"I don't know" Lydia grew worried. She couldn't go looking for him in the lighthouse that would be weird and funny because she knew she left him there, so she didn't bother asking.

"I think we should go back to the lighthouse" Rachael suggested twenty minutes later. Lydia couldn't say no, it was getting really scary now, so they left for the lighthouse together.

Opening the front door, they headed for the toilet. Lydia didn't know where the toilet was and she was sure Rachael has no clue too but she prayed they'll find their way soon. It was very creepy and dark.

"Brian!" Lydia called out impatiently. "Hugh... This us stupid. He left few minutes ago to go ease himself, where could he be?" She said frustratingly.

"He might have left here without our knowledge, because we weren't really paying close attention" Rachael said.

"To where Rachael? He can't leave his birthday party or can he?" They kept on searching.

"You should have waited for him Lydia. It's nothing" Rachael shut at her

"I didn't just leave him here, I waited some minutes before I grew impatient and went back to the party" Lydia shut back.

"Brian!" Rachael called out, walking passed Lydia; "Brian!"

Lydia was getting uncomfortable. Was Brian really serious right now?

"Brian I hope this isn't a prank cus I swear" Lydia spat out.

"I don't think it's a prank Lydia. It's been almost an hour now" Rachael said to her and Lydia sighed frustrated.

"Don't you think we should have talked to one of his friends to call him on his phone and know where he was?" Lydia asked.

"Brian!" Rachael didn't bother answering Lydia.

"Brian!" Lydia called out too.

They were both exhausted from screaming and where quietly looking for the toilet or more precisely Brian, when a phone rang. The two of them simultaneously looked at each other, shocked and rushed to the phone.

They followed the ringing tone to the restroom. Lydia swallowed.

They entered the restroom, it was as silent as a grave yard.

"Hello? Brian?" Lydia called out. The phone had stop ringing and water was rushing noisily from a tap. Lydia walked to the tap and turned it off. Immediately, the phone rang again.

It was coming from one of the horizontally lined toilet doors. They opened a toilet door and saw the phone, on the floor.

"It's his" Rachael broke the eerie silence. She squatted to pick the ringing phone and answered the call which read thus; "RED"

"Hello?" She picked it.

"Rachael? Is that you?" Red asked from the other end of the line.

"Yes" she swallowed and asked the most scary question; "have you seen Brian?" She said calmly but was replied almost immediately by;

"Where's Brian and where are you?"

"I'm at the lighthouse with Lydia... Brian's missing"

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