Pg 24

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Lydia saw as Eric turned white.

"She said you pointed a gun at her. Don't lie to me Eric or I swear I'll shove a bullet right through your scull" Fred swore.

"It must be... It must be shock. I didn't... I didn't do anything" Eric stuttered.

"You've got a hand in this right?!" Fred roared at him as he was loosing patience. Eric bore hole into Fred's eyeballs as he gazed steadily at him; "come on Fred, you know--" and whatever Eric was going to say was cut shut by another blow on his face, shoving his back directly to the car. "You better start talking Eric, because I can't do this all day!"

Eric pushed himself away from his tight hold  and blurted out; "I'm deeply sorry"

Everyone looked dumbfounded at him.

"You're deeply sorry for what?!" Lydia was boiling with impatience and curiousness.

"I had no choice. You have to believe me. He forced me" he confessed to the ears of people, watching the scene.

"Fuck you Eric! Talk!" Lydia yelled out of control.

"I don't know how I got trapped into this mess! Don't you yell at me! I.... Fuck!" He yelled also.

"Eric what the fuck did you do?!" Fred yelled at him, passing his range of patience. Eric was sweating all over in the strong cold. "Eric, you need to help us here or we won't succeed in solving Brian's case" Fred pleaded.

After what seemed like an hour in just two seconds, Eric decided to talk. "I'm not calling names. I... I raped a girl child" he swallowed as everyone gasped. Lydia did not need any further reason to loath Eric completely. He continued; "I was caught" he corrected; "he caught me. I was helpless, I couldn't prove my innocence, so I pleaded with him and he agreed to help me. The girl child died and critical investigations took place. He helped me out of my mess and everything was forgotten" he stopped talking.

"Later on..." He continued; "there was a case of murder and during investigations, I found out that the man who helped me out of my mess was the murderer and in fact, he was a serial killer. I was going to jail him, but he blackmailed me!" He screamed, thinking it'll bring him pity or some kind of remorse. "He said he was going to tell everyone what I did if I didn't let him go and I was scared. I was too afraid to let my past come back to me and so I let him get away with the murder" was he crying?

"I have kids Fred! For God's sake I have a family! I was not going to allow that man ruin my whole achievements!" He was pointing at the beach as he wailed.

"So..." Fred was trying to keep his cool. "All this while we were looking for Brian..." He hid his fists inside his pocket as he strode to Eric. "You knew about this?"

"No. I had no clue it was him. I had forgotten about him a long time ago. It wasn't until I sighted him at the beach" Eric explained, pointing at the beach.

"So he's here right now?" Jenny hurriedly asked Eric.

"Yes" Eric answered with much difficulty and all the life in Jenny's face vanished. Lydia thought the next thing that was going to happen was her face hitting the beach sand, lifeless.

"For God's sake Eric, who's he?" Lydia sighed.

"I'm sorry, I can't begin to tell you......."

"Speak this very moment Erickson or I'll be forced to jail you!"

"Either way I'll still end up in jail bud, I'm already a mess"

"I can't believe you Eric" the police man he was earlier discussing with said out loud in disappointment.

"Eric, I'm really trying my best to hold my patience. For the last time, Who! Took! Brian?!" Fred pointed his .38 automatic at Eric's head. The gun was literally kissing his forehead goodbye. There was a loud gasp, followed by murmuring and then silence.

"It's not my fault Fred! I was blackmailed! Can't you see?! If you were in my shoes, what would you have done?!" Eric lamented.

Fred spat on the beach sand in disgust; "I'd never rape a child"

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