Chapter 19

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By the time we made it downstairs, grandma had already opened the door and started talking to him in the living room. He looked up when he saw me and his smile did make my heart stop for a second, it is the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, and then those dimples! He is a walking GQ ad. When he noticed what Ava was wearing his smile got bigger if that's even possible.

"That's so cool, she looks adorable." he said.

"Yes she does and it fits perfectly so thank you." I smiled up at him.

"These are for you and this is for Ava."

He handed me a bouquet of white roses and held out one baby pink rose for Ava.

"Emmett, stop!"

"Not at all, gotta show all the love to my girls. Grandma Morgan got hers too." he whispered in my ear.

"Grandma?" I asked, turning to see her arranging a vase of tulips on the dining room table.

"She insisted that I call her grandma Morgan too. She likes me." he smiled.

"Okay, off with the three of you. Let me enjoy my tulips in peace." she said, cheesing up too.

"I've gotta get the car seat base from my . . ."

"No, you don't." Emmett said.

"Yes, I need the base to . . ."

"You're not understanding me. You don't need the base because I have one." he smiled softly this time.

"You what?"

"Aren't you the sweetest thing ever! Okay, here's Ava's blanket, the three of you go enjoy a nice dinner." grandma Morgan said.

"Emmett . . ."

"I want her to be safe and hopefully, this isn't the last time we go out together. It makes no sense for you to have to keep moving it from one car to the other." he said as he helped me into my grey coat. "Hey, it just hit me, we almost match."

He was wearing a grey shirt and jacket as well, but he paired with it dark jeans and black and white sneakers.

"You look very handsome, Mr. Cullen."

"You look absolutely beautiful." he replied. "Let's go."

I grabbed the baby bag and placed Ava Rae in her car seat. Before I could grab it though, Emmett did and he grabbed the folded carriage as well. Showing off the muscles because he can and I'm definitely not complaining.

"Val, you're giving yourself a heart attack." Emmett chuckled when I closed the front door.

"I'm calm." I argued.

"My bionic ears can't deceive me, calm down beautiful. I'll tell you that Esme is just as nervous as you are."

"How is that? Why?" I asked, feeling slightly better.

"Because she wants to make a good impression on you and Ava Rae." he smiled, locking the car seat into the base.

"How did you know which one to get?" I asked.

"I had Alice look at your car and figure it out." he smiled at me, flashing those million-dollar dimples.

"You did?"

"Yeah, I wanted to make sure that I had everything that you would need."

"You're so much, Emmett Cullen."

"Does that so much get me a kiss?" he asked, wrapping his cool arms around my waist.

"I don't think this is the place for that hot lips." I smiled.

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