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Hinata's POV:

*beep beep beep beep

I groggily wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm going off. It's been going off for like half an hour. Wait.....

HALF AN HOUR?!?!?!?!? WHAT TIME IS IT THEN? I immediately sit up completely awake and turn my alarm clock to see the time. 5:30 AM.....great. My lazy butt probably set the alarm an hour early. School doesn't start till 7:30 AM so I have a full 2 hours before school. 

I wonder how Kageyama is doing. He hasn't been calling me recently, I hope he's okay. 

What if something happened? 

We usually call each other to say good night but recently we haven't. Is he avoiding me? Is he talking to someone else? I shake my head a little and tell myself that he's probably just studying for tests. I decide to get dressed and make breakfast since I'm already up. But before I go down stairs I make sure to take a bath and wash up. After I'm done drying my hair I check my phone to see if I missed any texts or calls from Kageyama but am disappointed when I see none. 

Kageyama and I have been dating for 3 months and in 2 weeks it'll have been 4. I have to say I am kinda sad. It was fun at first, dating Kageyama I mean. We would go on dates at least twice a week and sleep over at each other's houses and talk all the time but this past month, He hasn't even taken me out once. Nor has he called me or talked to me outside of school. He doesn't even walk to school with me or walk me home anymore. I slap myself disrupting my negative thoughts and get dressed and walk down stairs to make breakfast. It's unsettling though. He hasn't talked to me outside of school for a month and when I ask if he's busy after school he says he's studying. Sure I know he's an idiot, I mean I am too but even I know he wouldn't study this much. I have to be careful maybe something is up. 

I am snapped out of my thoughts as I see my omelet start to sizzle. I quickly turn off the stove and plate my food. My mom and Natsu are out traveling to America to visit my aunt who is having some trouble with her husband so I get the whole house to myself. I have to admit that the space is nice but it gets really lonely. I would've gone with my mom and Natsu but I have school and I don't really mind being left alone. Besides before my mom and Natsu left for the airport yesterday she said that they would only be gone for a month and a half which isn't very long. Nothing extreme will happen anyway so I'm fine.

I check the clock after I am done eating my omelet and orange juice. It's 6:40 AM. I quickly wash my dishes and get my bag ready. I double check to make sure that I have scent suppressors and heat pills just in case, you can never be too safe. I grab my bike and start heading to school. Come to think of it, my last appointment with the doctor's they said that my first heat should start around October 12, that's in 2 weeks. Maybe I can spend my first heat with Kageyama on our anniversary! He always did mention that Fated Pairs should spend their first Ruts and Heats with each other. Oh yeah btw if you are confused, when Kageyama asked me out he said that we were Fated Pairs and that he was immediately drawn to me. It was really cringy but it was romantic. I should check with my doctor just to make sure and also to re-stock on scent suppressors. I didn't realize how much time had passed because by the time I had stopped thinking about my upcoming first heat and Kageyama, I was already at the school gate. 

I get off my bike and walk over to a bike rack and lock my bike. I make sure that it is properly locked and then I walk to the gym for morning practice. Kageyama and I used to race together but because we've been seeing less of each other it gets lonely. I'm about half way to the gym when I see Yachi, Tadashi, and Tsukishima. I run up behind them and yell "BOO!" Yachi squeals and hides her head, Tadashi yelps and bumps into Yachi his face turning a slight red and Tsukishima just looks down at me from over his shoulder and smirks. Yachi lifts her head, and gives me a small smile. "Oh hey Hinata! You scared me!" She stands up straight and gestures for me to come walk on the other side of her. "Yeah Hinata you freaked me out!" Tadashi whines getting a giggle from his girlfriend. "Well look what we have here. Shrimpy isn't with his King! Why isn't his loyal subject following him around like always?" Tsukishima says with a smirk. Usually Hinata would yell at the tall middle blocker but he doesn't have the energy and instead replies, "honestly I don't even know anymore." 

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