A "friendly" dinner

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Tsukishima's POV:

We had just walked into the restaurant and I see 3 people sitting down in a private booth. "Father what is the name of the family that we have to meet?" He turns to me and sighs. "I'll be sure to make it quick. I don't want to be here any more than you do. The family's name is Kanegawa." I pause. Isn't that, that bitches last name? "Father, is the daughter that I'm supposed to "meet" named Ami Kanegawa by chance?" He looks at me a bit surprised but masking it with a cold face. "Yes, how did you know?" I roll my eyes, my annoyance steadily increasing as I grit my teeth and glare at the family of 3 behind a slightly see through curtain. He cocks an eyebrow at my reaction. "Son, are you an acquaintance of the girl?" He always refers to me as son when we're in public. My mother shoots me a glance that we will be meeting them soon so I whisper angrily to my father as we walk towards the private booth behind the curtain. "That bitch is the omega Shoyo's previous boyfriend cheated on him with. She was there when he was attacked by that bastard." Father looks at me and gives me a stern look. Anyone at first glance would think he's angry but I can tell that he's shocked. I then mentally slap myself because I remember that I haven't told my parents all the details about what happened to Hinata. "Tsk. What I'm trying to say is that she's a skank." Father nods his head and whispers to my mother what I told him. My mother looks at me with raised eyebrows and I nod. She sighs and takes a deep breath. Her eyes hardening and her gaze set down upon the approaching family.

You wouldn't think it when you first meet her but despite her cold and elegant appearance, my mother is quite gentle. Despite being an Alpha though she doesn't show it often, she has a very soft side. But when she is angry she's like a baby viper. They say that baby vipers are more deadly than adults because when they bite they release more venom due to their inability to control how much they release. My mother is like a baby viper. She is an assassin with words. If she gets her fangs into you then all you can do is wait and crumble. I smirk, anticipating the turn of events. Poor poor little Ami. You upset the viper.  

We reach the curtain and the family of 3 stand up to greet us. Ami looks at me and gapes. Looks like she didn't know that we would be meeting as well. I look at the family and can instantly tell that the father is a player. He's wearing an atrocious yellow and black themed suit with gold accessories. Father said that the man owned a different Law firm but I researched him while in the car and it seems as though he doesn't do any of the actual work, he just represents the face of the company and take all the profits. How pathetic. 

I take a once over and can barely hide my displeasure. Ami is wearing a strapless yellow silk dress that is so revealing that if she were to sit, her abnormally large tits would fall right out. I can see that she caked on her make-up because some of it got into her curled hair. (I do not support body shaming or shaming of any kind, but this bitch deserves it.) I look at the mother and she looks equally as skanky. At least try not to look like you were just picked up off the road near a strip club.

I glance at my mother and father who are looking at the family in disgust but they hide it well with their calm facades. I glare at Mr. Kanegawa as he not so subtly eyes my mother. My father's eyes narrow as the shorter Alpha smirks. "Well, we were expecting you to come at least a little early but I forgive you for being late." My family turns to look at the man in the yellow suit in sync as he sits his fat ass on the cushioned seat. "Well go on. Sit." My mother scoffs and takes a cup of water from a waiter's tray who is passing by. She pours it on top of Mr. kanegawa's head which makes Ami squeal like a fucking pig and his wife just gapes at her husband like a fish out of water.

 "I'm sorry Mr. Kanegawa but I think you forget your place. You do not invite the Tsukishima family to dinner and then comment on our timed arrival. If you want to be petty, we were actually 5 minutes early and if you were actually waiting for us, then that proves that you were behaving like a good dog who waits for their master. Now if you stayed in your place that would be tolerable but you should know that a dog never talks back to their master. So may I remind you once again Mr. Kanegawa. You are the dog and we are the Master. Does that make sense to you?" My mother's ice cold voice pierces the silence and I can see that she had sunk her fangs into a nerve because Mr. Kanegawa is shaking in anger and releasing angry pheromones. 

"You wench what the hell do you think you're doing? I thought the Tsukishima's would at least be civil and exceed their reputation but here you are acting like barbarians! Like-" I interrupt her. "Watch your mouth. You do not speak to my mother in that manner nor tone. You speak of reputation but you clearly have none of your own. Before you start worrying about our family's reputation you should start thinking about yours. Actually, *heh* you know, a good start would be to stop dressing like a dirty whore and chill on the botox." I smirk as Ms. Kanegawa's mouth drops and she attempts to talk back but nothing comes out. "You think you can get away with calling me a whore?! You son of a b-" Ami starts. I can see the rage on her face but she immediately stops when my father gives her a look that says finish that sentence and I will end your life. She gulps and lowers her head. 

"Now. Young Miss Ami. My son only speaks facts. Mr. and Mrs. Kanegawa did you know that your daughter was fucking a taken alpha like a bunny in heat? Actually don't answer that because both answers will reflect badly on you. I am disgraced and disappointed in myself for associating my family with the likes of you. We will leave and you will never contact us again. Am I made clear?" My father glares down on the family and they cower while we all release a wave of powerful dominant pheromones that would be enough to knock someone out. And they did. Ami was out cold and like I predicted one of her ugly tits fell out of her skanky dress. "Guter Kummer. Schliebe deine Augen, Kei."(Good grief. Close your eyes Kei.) My mother seems to notice Ami's state and wraps an arm around my shoulders turning to leave. My father scoffs at the family and quickly joins us as we head back to the car.

We get into the car and I let out a sigh. "So Kei. You want to explain why we just had to go through all that trouble? Don't get me wrong I quite enjoyed it but I would like to know the reasoning." My mother says in an inquisitive tone. My father looks at me with an intrigued expression.

The whole ride home I tell them about what happened at lunch and Hinata's scars. Father winces as I tell him about Hinata's condition.

Soon time passes and we are pulling up into the driveway. Sean opens the doors for us once again and we say thank you. When we open the door I am hit with a wave of chicken and steak. The cook comes out and bows respectfully. "Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Tsukishima. Welcome back young Mr. Tsukishima. I have made roast chicken with a side of beet salad as well as medium rare steak. I figured that you wouldn't stay at dinner long because you wore a bow tie." I smile. The cook has been a part of our family since Akiteru was born so she knows all of our secret customs and codes. We treat her like family and she does the same. "Thank you Rita, that sounds wonderful." My mother gives her coat to the housekeeper and makes her way towards the dining room. 

I take my dinner in my room and finish up my homework. I remember that I have to start packing today so that I can move in on Saturday. But before I do, I decide to call Hinata and see how he is doing. 

A lot happened in this chapter whew! I hope you enjoyed it!

-Author chan

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