Recovering of the valiant

366 22 4

Tsukishima's POV:

My alarm clock starts going off at 6:00 and I shut it up with a groan. I feel the bed for my omega but am welcomed by the cold mattress. That's right. This is my first day living in a world without my omega. And it's a fucking Tuesday. I sigh and get up. My eyes are all puffy from crying so I try to wash my face which reduces the puffiness a bit. I get dressed in my regular school uniform and look out the window. It's sunny out. Not a cloud in the sky.  'tsk' "What the hell does the sky have to be so happy for?" I feel so numb, as if nothing really matters. I still feel like Shoyo will just come running upstairs with breakfast and telling me to hurry up but that's not the case. I sigh and look at the photo of Shoyo on my bed stand. "What do I do without you?" 

Suddenly my bedroom door is knocked down and Kanao rushes in. "Young Tsukishima! We got a call from Mr. Tsukishima and Mrs. Tsukishima! There's an emergency at the hospital and they need you to meet them there right now! Ben is downstairs waiting for you but you need to leave right now!" My eyes widen. An 'emergency' at the hospital? Did something happen?! I drop my book bag and grab my phone. I thank Kanao san quickly before sprinting down the stairs and to the car. Ben is waiting outside in the car just like Kanao said and we speed off to the hospital. I decide to call Yams first to let him know I won't be at school.

(Phone dialogue Tsukishima *  Yamaguchi #)

#Hey Tsukki we heard what happened to Shoyo we're so sorry. Wh-

*Yams I won't be at school there was an emergency at the hospital


*Please tell my teachers that I won't be at school, bye.

#W-wait Tsukki!

*hangs up*

I then call my mother knowing that my father is probably too busy to pick up the phone.

(Phone dialogue Tsukishima * Adeline #)

*Mother what is going on?!

#Kei! OMG we got a call at 5:30 this morning from the hospital! We're only 20 more minutes away. Apparently Arisu also got called because she's Shoyo's parent so she's on her way there too. Are you on your way there now?

*Y-yeah, Mother what happened? Is everything okay?!

#Kei... the doctor's said that Shoyo-kun was dead for 7 hours b-but today at 5:00 this morning...he started breathing again.

My eyes widen and I feel my heart pause. My eyes tear with hope. Shoyo's not dead? He's not dead?!


#KEI! Watch your tone! I am just as shocked as you are! T-the doctors said that they don't know...this has never happened before...

*Oh my god....h-he's alive

#Yes dear he's alive. He's alive-

*hangs up*

I take a deep breath and run my hands through my hair. He's alive. My Omega is alive. I don't care how he came back or why.... but he's alive.

Thank god.

Yamaguchi's POV:

I'm walking with Yachi to stop at a cafe before school when I get a call from Kei. I hope he's doing okay. Shoyo's death had a very big impact on us all. Yachi stayed over at my place and we just sat in my room recalling all of our memories of the orange headed omega. I pick up and start to give my condolences but he cuts me off before I can finish. "What's the matter Yams? Is everything okay?" I sigh and take her hand. "I'm wondering the same thing. Tsukki just called to tell me that he won't be at school and to tell his teachers that he'd be missing class due to personal reasons. He sounded like he was in a hurry too. I hope he doesn't do anything rash." Yachi gives me a sympathetic look. "I don't blame him. His courting partner just died. He must be in so much shock."

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