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Hinata's POV:

Truthfully I didn't want Tsukki to leave but on the phone that dinner that he had to attend sounded pretty important. I sigh as he drives away and I close the door. I make sure to lock it before going back into the living room. I go over to a pillow that is filled with Tsukki's scent and sit there for a while just hugging it. 

I decide to call my mom to tell her and Natsu what happened.

-Phone call dialogue-

(Hinata's mom = ***  Hinata= ###)

***Hey sweetie! How are you doing! I hope every things alright."

###Hey mom! I'm doing well actually I have some new to tell you!" 

***Oh really! Well I do too!

### Alright you tell me first.*giggle*

*** So you know how I was visiting your Aunt because she said that she was having problems with her husband?

###Yeah I do. Is she alright?

***Oh it wasn't even like that! She found out that she was pregnant with her fourth child and they had recently talked about it and her husband didn't say anything so she took it as a rejection but it turns out that he just didn't want to put more pressure on her body! Isn't that just sweet. Anyways I helped her tell him and he was so happy! Gosh I even took a video. I'll send it to you later. Anyways, I was thinking that I would stay a little longer be- hey! Natsu stop running around with your cousins! You'll break something! Sorry sweetie Natsu is playing with your younger cousins. What I was trying to say was that I think I should stay a little longer in America to help your Aunt with her pregnancy. She's already 3 months along so I think I'll just stay one more month. Is that alright with you I know it's sudden.

It's a lot to take in but I'm happy that my Aunt is having another baby. She already has three kids. They oldest is 10, same age as Natsu, the second oldest is 7 and the youngest is 5. I laugh to myself as I hear Natsu and my cousins yell in apology to my mother.

###Please tell Aunty that I'm happy for her and it's alright for you to extend your visit. You'll be back around November though right?"

*** Ah I will. Thank your for being understanding. Yes I will be back in November. Hopefully the 15th. You told me that you had news?"

I take a deep breath before I tell her.

###Before I tell you I implore you to not freak out.

*** -silence- Sho did something bad happen?

###Well kind of. But I'm alright! 

*** Alright tell me what happened. I won't freak out.

I sigh.

### Okay so you know my boyfriend Kage-

***Ugh that twerp? I'm sorry but I never liked him. Did you break up with him? Di-

### Can you at least let me finish?!

***Sorry hun. Go on.

### As I was saying I am breaking up with him. During lunch I caught him cheating with our new first year volleyball manager, Ami and he attacked me. Thankfully I was with my friends Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. You remember them right? Anyways Tsukki fought Kageyama off and helped me to the nurse's office. Later I found out that Kageyama was suspended from school and Coach Ukai kicked him off the Volleyball team.

*** Oh my goodness! Are you alright?! Do I need to come back so that I can take care to that good for nothing piece of shit?!?!!? My poor baby, are you alright? Thank goodness Tsukishima was there I'll be sure to thank him and his family. Actually I think I know his mother quite well. We did business toge- that's no the point. Are you alright? (Just thought you should know, Shoyo is the only Omega in his family. Both his parents are Alphas and his little sister Natsu recently presented as an Alpha. So Shoyo grew up in a very independent environment but still loving, hence his independence and strong will.)

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