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Shoyo's POV:

What's happening? Where am I? The last thing I remember is being unconscious. It's quiet. It's too quiet and I'm getting antsy. I hear voices talking but I can't make out what they're saying. I feel numb, my body hurts and I feel like a statue. I can't really see anything, it's just really blurry like you're looking through frosted glass.

Suddenly I can no longer see or hear. Instead I smell a scent like fresh chestnuts being roasted and hot mint tea resting near a burning fire. I instantly draw myself towards it, like a magnet. I can't feel myself moving but at some point I realize that I'm not where I used to be. It's weird. It feels like I'm not myself, like I'm not in my body. "Hello Shoyo. I always looked forward to seeing you but I never thought it would be this soon." The voice is deep and gentle. Smooth like honey but not sticky. It's familiar.

Where do I know this voice from? Suddenly everything becomes clear. I'm in my old house that we used to live in before my dad died. I'm laying down on my small bed, staring at the ceiling that I covered in stickers. I groan and rub my head as I slowly get up. "Easy now son. We have a lot to talk about." I turn confused and stare at the voice.

He hasn't aged one bit. His strong yet gentle features are still young and youthful. His eyes are still as bright as ever and his hair like a fiery sunset gleams when sunlight creeps into the empty room from my window. His smile is full and welcoming and he opens his strong arms out for me. I feel a single tear drip down my face as I stare at the man who left me defenseless. He left me in the dark and hateful world, alone without a guide, yet I could never bring myself to hate him. I melt into his warm embrace as he wraps his strong arms around me and rub circles on my back as I silently weep into his shoulder.

It's peaceful. There's a nice breeze that isn't too cold because the sun is resting on the both of us. I'm engulfed in his chestnut scent and breathe it in deeply. I forget how comforting his scent is. I missed it. There are still tears that rest on my eyelashes but I'm no longer crying. I smile into his shoulder and giggle softly.

"It's nice to see you again dad."

He laughs and moves me so that he can see my face. "It's nice to see you too Shoyo. I missed you. But you know I am a very patient man. I could've waited a little longer to see you again." His smile melts into a sorrowful one and I nod. "Dad, those guys came back. They were the same guys like last time. I'm sure you knew. Didn't you?" His eyes widen and he sighs. "Yes. Yes I did. I'm sorry son. I thought I took care of them but they caught me by surprise." He gets up and takes my hand. "We have a lot to talk about son. And I have a lot to explain." I nod my head and we walk into the kitchen where he pulls out some strawberry ice cream and gives me a spoon. "Strawberry was always your favorite, is it still?" I lick my lips and nod with a grin. I take a bite and am surprised when the cold cream melts in my mouth. "Dad..... You died 11 years ago. How am I able to interact with you and eat ice cream and taste it. Where are we? Are we in some like....limbo? Or Alternate Univ-." A thought rushes to my mind and I drop my spoon and look at my dad with dreadful eyes. "I'm dead aren't I?" He smiles weakly at me and sighs. "Right now we are in what I call the bridge. Technically you are dead but you haven't entered the 'after life' just yet. I'll be your guide there though."

I feel numb. I feel as if I'm dreaming. It's as if reality hasn't completely sunken in yet. I take shaky breaths and try to from a string of thoughts.

Get it together Shoyo. I'm dead. That's it. My life has ended. My heart has stopped. My breath has ceased. What do I do? What's the next move? What about Kei? What about Mom and Natsu? Do they even know I'm dead? How did I even die? My eyes start to get glassy and my dad comes over to me. I look up at him with unblinking eyes.

✨I moved on what about you✨حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن