Pre ruts and heats (smut)

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Shoyo's POV:

Kei gets down on one knee on my side of the bed. He opens a velvet box which holds a gorgeous gold band with what looks like a sun which is printed in it's center. I gasp forgetting to breathe and I stare into Kei's eyes and mine start to water. "Shoyo Hinata will you do me the great honor of courting me? I promise to protect, cherish and respect you for the rest of my life. I pledge my pride and soul and devote myself entirely to you. Your joy will bring my joy and wherever you go I will follow you. Hopefully in the future I will be down on one knee again but the ring I will present you will have a different purpose. I love you Shoyo, please acce-" He doesn't get to finish because I smash my lips onto his and he melts in the passionate kiss as tears fall down both of our faces. I break away from the kiss giggling and panting. "I love you Kei Tsukishima! I accept!"

He's a crying mess as he puts the ring on my finger. It fits snug on my finger and I stare at it. It's absolutely gorgeous. I admire all of it's detail and I notice the writing. I turn to him eyes wide and he nods at me. I burst into tears for the fifth time today.

After we've both calmed down, we get ready for bed.  I'm in his bathroom brushing my teeth wearing only one of Kei's shirts because they smell nice but also because they reach to my lower thighs. I bend down to spit into the sink and Tsukki positions himself behind me with his big strong hands on my hips. I get up and clean my mouth with a towel. "Are you ready for bed baby?" I nod and he carries me into his big bed.

"I wanted to um- ask you something." I turn to face him. We're sitting criss- crossed on his bed and I'm playing with the hem of one of his silk pillows. "What's on your mind?" He takes in a deep breath before responding. "My rut is supposed to start on the 10th this month and end on the 24th. My ruts are usually more intense than most others because I'm a more dominant alpha. So um what I was wondering was if it would be okay with you if you moved to a room on the opposite side of the house." I feel my gut twist into a knot. I feel very discouraged that my alpha doesn't want me to help him with his heats but I know that he's doing this because he cares about my health but it's still disappointing. "Alright but today is the 1st which means that we still have a week and 2 days. Can I stay here during that time? Oh yeah! Also do you think you can make the appointment with my doctor on Monday? It's a day before your heat starts but will it be okay?"  He smiles and nods. "It should be okay as long as we get back before dark."

We cuddle before turning off the light and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

-----Big time skip----

I wake up and groan. I turn and see Tsukki still asleep and I kiss his face gently before slowly getting out of bed. I quickly take a shower and wash up. I change into one of the shirts I got while shopping with Mrs. Adeline. It's a plain black shirt but it has koi fish embroidered on the back of it. I quietly slip out of Kei's room and walk down to the kitchen. His house is pretty big.

No one's up so I decide to make them a nice breakfast. I hope the Rita doesn't mind me making breakfast. I start to whip up a surprise for Kei. I decide to make some rice with some steamed fish. While I steam the fish, I decide to make some miso soup as a side. After steaming the fish I lay it on top of the rice and set it to the side. I realize that this might not be enough so I get some soba noodles and cook those. While I'm busy making the soba I don't notice Rita the cook, walk in. "E-eh?! Young Master Hinata! You shouldn't be doing this! This is dirty work! Ple- WOAH!" She stares at what I already made while putting on an apron. Soon we are both making soba in the spacious kitchen. Mr. Tsukishima and Mrs. Adeline walk into the kitchen surprised to see me cooking. "Ah! Good morning Mr. Tsukishima, Mrs. Adeline." They smile and I hand them some coffee. "Ara ~ Sho dear what are you doing in the kitchen so early?" Rita responds early. "young master Hinata was making breakfast. I just walked in myself. Ah here." She hands them each a plate with the steamed fish and rice along with a bowl of fresh Udon. "Young Shoyo made this?!" I nod and smile at Mr. Tsukishima. They take a bite and it's adorable because their eyes look like they're sparkling. "Wow! This is so good Sho kun! You are a wonderful cook!" "Thank you Mrs. Adeline!" I beam and take out the surprise I made for Kei.

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