Doctor's Appointment

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Tsukki's POV:

I groggily blink my eyes a little I turn to the clock and it's 6:15 AM. I forget where I am for a minute and then I remember that I'm in our own house with my omega. I peer down at his beautiful face. His features are relaxed and his vibrant orange hair is a little messy. I smile at him and hold him closer to me. I'm always the big spoon and I don't mind it at all. Shoyo's perfect small body fits right into mine. His legs reach down to just after my knees and when he curls up his wide hips rest against mine. He hums and turns around so that his back is facing me. 

His butt rubs up against my crotch and I force down a boner. I can't fuck him this early jeez. I nuzzle my face into his neck just below his scent gland. I inhale his vanilla passion fruit scent that instantly puts my body at ease. He hums and turns his head. I chuckle as he yawns. "Good morning honey~" I blush at the nickname and look up at him, my head still buried in his neck. 

Shoyo's POV:
I hum and turn my face around. There is a warm breath on my neck that tickles. I look and see Kei's face buried into it. I smile at his bed head. "Good morning honey~" I can tell he's blushing because his ears are turning a slight shade of pink. He looks up at me from under his hair and tilts his head to my ear. "Can we stay in bed a little longer. You're really comfy." I giggle and nod my head. Gosh I love it when Kei's voice is deep like that. His voice in general is really nice but in the morning or when it's deep like that, it's really attractive. He hums and pulls me in closer, his body wrapping around mine. 

We fall asleep again and wake up at 8:00 AM. I turn around and kiss both of Kei's eyes. He groans and opens them. He smiles down at me and tilts my head to kiss my lips. These little moments, the kisses after just waking up always seem to put me in a good mood. We both change out of our pajamas and wash up. We hear a knock at the door and open it. "Hello young Tsukishima." "Hi hi Hinata!" I smile at Kanao and Risako. "Hi ladies! What can I do for ya?" Kei comes up behind me and wraps and arm around my middle. They take a step back out of respect and nod their heads. The maids are still tense around Kei but I don't mind too much. It's hard to be comfortable around him if you don't know him well. "We came up to see if you wanted breakfast delivered to your room or not." Kei nods his head towards Kanao. "We'll be going down for breakfast. Is it ready?" "Yes of course." Just then, my stomach rumbles and I blush out of embarrassment. "Alrighty! We'll let you eat and while you're eating we'll be cleaning your room and the rest of the house! Oh! Also, I should remind you of your Doctor appointment today at 3:00." I nod my head thankfully to Risako and we leave to go to the kitchen for breakfast. 

We had salmon over rice and it was delicious! I ate mine in like 8 minutes. Tsukki was kind of concerned when I started coughing but I laughed it off. "Hey baby... what did your doctor want to talk about with us?" Ah I guess I should tell him the details of the appointment. "Oh well Dr. Kiyoko wanted to test our blood and see if we're true pairs but she also wanted me to do a check up before my first heat. She also said that if we do end up being True pairs then there might be difficulties with my heats." He looks at me concerned and pushes his glasses up his nose. "I think that there is a high possibility of us being True pairs. Truthfully sometimes I get glimpses into what you're seeing. Like when that son of a bitch broke into your house, I got a sort of vision of you in your room hiding. But why would that complicate your heat? Is it anything dangerous?" He had visions of me? That was surprising to hear but not completely un predictable. "Honestly I'm not completely sure myself. I mean I'm sure that if we are True pairs it will be more intense but I don't know anything other than that." He sighs and walks over to me from the other side of the marble island table. He gently cups my face in his big hands. "Listen Shoyo. I really hope that she doesn't say we can't share our heats and ruts together. My ruts are painful enough as they are but they'll probably be even worse for you. I just hope it's nothing bad that she wants to say." I look up at him. It's cute how concerned he is for me.

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