The tired knight

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Nishinoya's POV:

I was sad when Azumane graduated because that meant I would see less of him. It wasn't so bad though because his parents and my mom bought us a house nearby in a really rich district! Azumane's mother is a professional cook and his father is an Interior designer. Azumane is studying architecture like his father at College. He goes to the same one as Suga, Daichi, and is in the same department as Kiyoko senpai. 

My mom is a race car designer. She designed the cars for high end race car brands and luxury sports cars. When I get into college, I want to be an engineer and actually make the cars. I've always liked to work with my hands and I think it'd be really fun.

Today's Monday and I have to get up early to meet up with Tanaka bro and Ennoshita for our game. I try to escape from under Azu but he's too heavy. He cut his hair a little shorter but it still reaches a little to his shoulders. I still look the same, I want to think that I'm taller but honestly I don't even know if it'd make a difference.  "Azu~ I need to get ready for the game I have! Get off a me ya big lump!" He groans in response and hugs me closer pulling me in by my waist. I sigh.

Asahi and I became mates during his second year and my first year. He was always shy but super protective. He wasn't as built back then but his body was still defined. When he hugs me closer I can feel his strong muscled arms and legs curl around me. He's been working out and I can tell. His chest is more broad and his abs are way more apparent. He's grown taller too. Since last year he's probably grown at least 3 inches. He's probably 6'5" and now that I think about it that's like at least an 11 inch difference. "Noya when do you have to get ready~" His deep voice makes my insides flutter. God his voice is so damn deep in the mornings, I love it. "Well it's 6:00 right now so I need to get ready in about an hour. 

I gasp as he flips us over so that he's pinning my arms down. He licks my bottom lip and I open my mouth slightly. He greedily slides his warm tongue into my mouth, swirling it around mine.

Our tongues swirl and he travels around my mouth with his sweet tongue. He used to be so innocent and I would always take the lead during these types of things, but I guess that changed once I started sharing my heats with him.

We continue to make out and I pull away from the kiss first. "Mhmm Azu I need to get ready for school. I'll give you a present later okay~" He nods and kisses me on the cheek. We both wash up and Azu drives me to Ryu and Ennoshita's place before driving us all to school.

(in the car)

"Ne...I feel bad for Hinata kun. He's always so enthusiastic about playing and he'll be missing out on the games cause of his wounds. I still can't believe Kageyama would do that to him though. I thought the two of them were pretty close. Oh yeah! Did you hear about the fire that happened near Kageyama's neighborhood!" I look at Ennoshita san and nod my head. "Yeah it'll be rough but my cute little kohai will be alright. I want to punch that fucker in the face though!" I bump fists with Ryu who starts hooting in the car. "Oh yeah Ennoshita kun I heard that Kageyama moved too." Ryu whips his head to Asahi. "Really? Jeez that's news. I was kinda hoping he'd stick around so I could 'teach him a lesson' ." After a while Ennoshita breaks the silence. "How do you think things are going with Tsukishima and Hinata? I mean... we didn't really get to ask since they haven't been to practice recently." I smile at Tanaka and we are thinking the same thing. "Hey~ Yuu san, do you think we should prank salt shaker and Hinata kun?" I smirk and give him a thumbs up.

"Okay here's the plan." I turn and whisper to Tanaka and Ennoshita what we'll do and we place a $5 bet on Salty's reaction. Asahi tuts and shakes his head as Ennoshita collects our money.

We continue to talk about Hinata kun and Stingyshima for the rest of the drive.

"Thanks for the ride Azu!" I give him a quick kiss and jog over to where the rest of the team is, the first years along with Saltyshima, my kohai, Yamaguchi and Yaichi are already there. They seem to be laughing about something but quiet down when they see us. Hinata smiles and waves at me. I wave at him back and turn to Tanaka who's doing the same. "Eh? Hinata was waving at me!" "Nani?! You little twerp he was waving at me!" Tanaka and I wrestle for a bit before Ennoshita pulls the two of us apart.

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