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Words used :

Protégeme - protect me



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" How could you do this to us ?!! How could you let us all die ?!!!! "

Cried Liliana , sitting on the edge of the bed as her hands bled , dribbling the crimson fluid on tanned floor , marking unpalatable spots .

Gabriella didn't wanted to focus on her forasmuch Jungkook already fit it inside her head that these voices are just a delusion , an unfavourable mirage and thoughts from one's head , which no longer can be drawn back to the real world .

it was useless to focus on Liliana now for that she was already dead , gabriella had to find an effective way to distract her mind and the only way she could think of was prayers . just prayers could save her  this time .

" God save us all , for he is indeed the most kindest and merciful- "

" My baby.....he is crying of hunger..., How could you commit such a sin ?!! How could you do it to a little soul ?!!!"

Her mind stuck at the lady's words , she felt a pang * of grief slitting her bare veins ...indeed she let Liliana die and when her baby will grow up , how would she will be able to confront the truth ?? But no-- she had to think something else , distract herself again from Liliana and --oh her , mournful sobs which could shake one's soul with heavy pity , but she had to distract herself from it somehow so she could not fall into the Satan's trap .

" Gabriella "

She could feel who was in front of her face now , she recalled the voice , it was so familiar . Indeed , it was Elena's voice , it was her friend who stood in front of her sight , with those black hair and coal eyes .

The only reason of what her life had became . she was her friend which Gabriella mourned to bring back to life , but now as she grasps the athame , with painful memories which were tearing her tiny heart apart little by little .

She remembered liliana's smile , her nature , her eyes , she remembered all about her , she even recalled how they used to work together at the store , and their first meet in this cursed city which she wants to just disappear into ashes now  .

So it was getting harder for her to resist the temptation and after a while she looked back up at her .

" Why did you kill me ?? Wasn't I a friend of yours ? Oh...darling , I pray to the Lord to give you something worse than hell !! "

Deseo del diablo { Devil's Wish }Where stories live. Discover now