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As soon as Wonwoo get out of his car Jihoon's youngest son ran to him and open his arms to be held which he did. They went inside and he saw his friends already arranging the table. "I'm glad you had time to see us" Seungcheol said, "I had some time right now so I came here." He answered. He sit on Jeonghan's left side, Jihoon at Soonyoung also came to the table both of them smiled on him and he smiled back.

"I didn't knew that Jihoon can cook" Seungcheol said as he slice the steak, Jeonghan just hit him using elbow. Jihoon just stared at him aggressively which makes them all laugh. "Well Jihoon doesn't want the kids to be picky when it comes to food, he learned how to cook especially healthy foods that's how great husband and father he is." Soonyoung gladly bragged it to them, Jihoon get flustered and make his face red. They continue to eat and when they finished they still remain on their sit, Wonwoo who is nervously shaking he don't know how to start the conversation.

"I have something to tell" Wonwoo gathered all his confidence to say those words out loud, all the eyes were on him.
"My lawyer came to my office today and he said that the divorce might be guarantee soon." Wonwoo said and nervously met the eyes of his Hyungs, Jeonghan hold his hand and said "Why so sudden? I thought that the process is long since Mingyu doesn't want to sign the papers?" , Wonwoo take a deep breath before answering. "H-he was still with the girl." As soon as he said that he heard how Seungcheol aggressively tap the table that makes the utensils fell off, Jeonghan was trying to calm Seungcheol dow. Jihoon froze on his seat, Jihoon laugh and stand up on his seat. Soonyoung was scared by his husband's action, his husband was really mad. "I-i'm sorry I r-ruined tonight's dinner." Wonwoo said still his head was down, embarassed to look up.

Wonwoo is in the garden, he excuse himself to catch his breath. He was really thankful to have his friends, ever since they became friends they we're super protective over him. He remember how mad Jihoon is when he said he won't apply for a job and be a house husband instead.
Someone back hug him and when he look it up it wa Jeonghan, this Hyung really loves physical touch. "Wonu things are getting hard, I want you to know that we're here for you." Jeonghan said, Wonwoo is happy to hear that.
"Thank you Hyung for being there for me." He said, and Jihoon showed up and smile to him. "We're here for you Wonwoo, We won't let you down." Jihoon assured the latter. Both Hyungs hugged him and after awhile Wonwoo feels like validated. These people are the ones who stayed with him through his ups and downs, Thank God he had them.

Meanwhile Seungcheol and Soonyoung are still inside of the house, they look at the three hugging each other. Seungcheol's heart soften as he stare at them.
"I promise to protect Wonwoo, I can't handle to see him being hurt again." Soonyoung nodded and added "We need to step up on this Hyung, Mingyu is not on his right mind."
"He was always not on his senses, he's dumb." Seungcheol said and rolled his eyes. That asshole doesn't learn his lesson, he better get ready because he can't tolerate his shits anymore.

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