Boys... 😔

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"Shishishi," Luffy laughed he was currently beating Kidd in Call of Duty.

"Shut it, Strawhat!"

Please don't start a fight... It's bad enough when he, Zoro and Sanji start fighting...

"I WIN!!" Luffy starts jumping around.


"No, yous have already played six times. It's three for three, no more."

"I agree with (Y/N)," Sabo stands up. "Someone else turns," he goes to take the controllers.

Killer goes to take Kidd's. "FUCK OFF! STRAWHAT AND I HAVEN'T FINISHED IT!"

"(Y/N) said no more."

"I don't care! Strawhat and I have to settle this."

The two start fighting, fuck no... "Guys stop fighting!"

Sabo catches the controller, as the two go over the lounge.

"Stop fighting! Please stop!!"

"Fuck you!" - "Fucking bastard!"

Ace laughed, "shut it, Ace!"


"What you say?!" Kidd looks over to him.

"No, Kidd!"

"What are you going to do about it?"

"ACE!!" Sabo and I yell at him.

"Don't encourage them. (Y/N) doesn't want them fighting."

"I'll break them up!"

"No, Luffy!" Too late...

"I got your back Luffy!" There goes Ace.

"Sabo don't -"

Ace knocks Sabo over, "Oi!" There goes, Sabo...

Fuck my life! Shit going to get broken. I go sit on the bench watching them fight. They have to stop sooner or later.


Okay, this is getting ridiculous. They've been fighting for 20 minutes... They're cats, hehe. I pull the tap out a bit. I blast the cold water, they all stop. "That's enough! Yous have been fighting for 20 minutes!!"

"What makes you think you can wet us like that?" Kidd stands up.

"Yeah, Big Sis! That's not cool!" Luffy gets all puffy.

Killer takes his shirt, I don't mind.

"Don't strip!" Sabo goes off at him. Kidd takes his off, "oi!"

"I don't hear (Y/N) stopping us." Kidd looks over to me smirking.


"Yes, Sabo?"

"Stop staring! Tell them to put their shirts on!"

"What makes you think they're going to listen to me. None of yous listen to me before!" He goes to say something then stops himself. "Hmmm... I thought so..." Like they would listen, they are hot shirtless ~

"Lunchtime!!" There goes Luffy...

I hop off the bench, "let me guess meat?"

"Shishishi, yes!"

"You're going to have to wait a bit. Actually, go set up outside. We'll have lunch put there."

"Okay! ~ Luffy runs out the back door.

"Luffy wait up!" Sabo runs out after him.

"I'll help you," Killer comes over.

"No, you can go help set up. Both of you, since yous moved things around in the garage."

"Killer knows where everything is." Kidd tries to come up behind.

Turn around stops him, "go help!" I go for the tap, he stops. "Go. Now. Both of you!"

They mumble, put their shirts back on go help.

"Fuck me..." I start getting everything for lunch.

"You had to pick the most roughest, rudest and -"

"Ace stop right there!" I look over to him as he comes over.

"I'm just saying."

"I'm saying to stop

He throws his arms in the air. "Fine, I'm going to go help the others."

"Good get out of my kitchen."

He runs out, hopefully, they can set the table and chairs up without fighting.

"Now, what meat to cook?"


Would you of guessed it. As I was making lunch, they had a water fight. Fuck me... Honestly how old are they?

When I came out with food, Luffy and Ace came running. They act more like dogs than cats. We manage to make it through lunch without fighting. Yay!

They decided to stay the night. No sex tonight... Killer and I made pizzas for dinner. Sabo went down and got us drinks. He's the only one I actually trust to go down there. Be responsible with the drinks.

Dinner went well, we sat and watched a movie. An action movie, with guns blazing. Fast cars and women in it. A guy movie, like they would watch a girly movie. I can't even get Sabo to one with me.

Halfway through Luffy changes curls up on my lap. He starts purring, "awe Luffy you're so cute." He headbutts my hand, "okay okay, hehe." I pat him, he purrs away.

We finish watching the movie. By the end, Luffy was fast asleep. "He's out," Sabo looks over.

"Hehe, he is. I'm going to put him to bed." I pick up his clothes. Head upstairs to his room.

- Third -

"So you guys want to play Halo?" Ace starts the Xbox up.

"We'll kick your asses!" Kidd grabs a controller.

"You can try," Ace passes one to Sabo.

"After (Y/N) goes to bed, we need to talk." Sabo stares at them.

They hear you coming down. "Luffy's tuck into bed. Probably won't hear from him till morning." You plop down between skids and Killer, holding each of their legs.

Ace started the game, you sat back and watch them play. Till you yourself fell asleep on the lounge.

[ON HOLD] Neko Boyfriends? AU - Eustass Kidd x Reader x Killer (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now