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As soon as I pull up, Kidd and Killer were out.

"Where's Heat?" Kidd opens the door, "Heat!" Kidd walks off with him.

"Be careful!"

"Wire why haven't you changed?" Killer

"The prongs are embedded in his neck. I haven't looked at Heat's."

"Why not?"

"I was busy trying to find a way out!" I hop out and head out to my room.

"I'm sorry, we're worried about Heat. We haven't heard from them in months."

"You don't need to worry." Walk into the room, Kidd already put him on the table.

"How do we get these off?"

"Let me look first." His fur matted, "I'm going to have to cut some of his fur." I cut some off, to get a better look. I'll start with the shock collar. I cut the collar, and slowly pull it off.

"Can't you go any quicker?"

"I'll kick you out, Kidd." I take it off, "he has burn marks. Now the prongs..." I get the monitors set.

"What are you doing?" Kidd follows me.

"I need my monitors. Kidd, I need to concentrate. Please calm down."

"You need -"

I grab his arms, "Heat will be okay. You need to calm down or step out." I kiss him, "I know what I'm doing." His shoulders drop, "wait outside with Killer and Wire."

"I can help."

Who's that? I turn around. Oh wow, Wire tall.

"Killer took them off."

I look over to Killer, "I was paying attention."

"Killer... I'll check your neck after I'm done." I turn back to Heat. Connect him to the monitors. "Okay, Killer do you know where the small handle bolt cutter is?"


Hmm, these are pretty deep. "How many times did he change?"

"They use him as bait."

"I thought so."

"Here," Killer hands them to me.

"Thanks," I cut them individually. Start pulling them out.


"That's all the prongs out. Now time for this third one." I shine the light on him. I get the oxygen mask, everything else. "You might want to leave for this next part."

"We're not leaving!"

"Kidd what did I say?"

"We'll be fine, (Y/N)." Killer stands on the other of the table.

I look to Wire, "you good?"

"I might sit for a bit..."

"Change for me, please."


"Change," I turn around. "Is he done?"

"Yeah, why did you want him to change?"

I walk over to him, "when was the last time you had food and water?" He groans, "hmm... You rest, you've done enough." I grab an IV and hook him up.

"What's wrong with Wire?" Kidd walks over to him.

"He needs fluids, once he's rested some food. Kidd, there's extra-large bedding in the cupboard upstairs. Grab a blanket or two. Killer, you ready?"


Kidd walks out, hear him walk upstairs.

"You just sent him away didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. Get ready to apply gauzes and pressure."


I manage to get the tip of my finger, under the collar. Slowly cut it. "So far, so good."

"How bad is it?" Kidd

"It's been cutting into his neck. Killer lifts his neck up a bit."


"We just need to take it slowly." I slowly take the collar off. I hand it to Killer, "put it on the tray with the others. I'll clean him up."


I start patching him up and checking him over. There's multiple bites, there's a few small scars.


"Hmm?" Look up at Kidd, he looks worried. "He'll pull through ~ Once I'm finished with Heat. I'll check out Wire." I got back to Heat and finish searching him up.


After I finish patching them up. Went for a shower. As I come down, Wire up and eating.

"Where's your IV?"

"I took it out."

"Excuse me?"

"What? I don't need it."

"Yes, you do! Bloody male!" I storm back to my surgery.

They've moved Heat into the bed. I'll quickly look over him. He growls, he'll pull through. I grab Wire's IV and tape.


"What? No, I don't need it."

"Wire do as she says." Killer gets me a plate.

"She's not my mate!"

"Do as she say!" Kidd comes up behind me.

"Fine..." He puts his arm out for me.

"Thank you."

"Change!" Kidd



"Alright!" He changes, he looks funny sitting in a chair. "Grrr..."

"Okay, hold still." I put it back in, "there you're good."

He changes back, I tape it. "Now what are you doing?"

"Making sure it stays in."

"I can -" Kidd and Killer glare at him. "Keep it in..."

"Good ~" Kidd sits down and pulls me into his lap. "Kidd..." Killer places my plate down. "Thank you, Killer."

He grabs my chin and kisses me.

"Hmm ~"

He pulls away and smiles at me. Kidd turns me and kisses me harder.

"Hmm ~"

"Tell me again, why you're sharing your mate?"

"(Y/N) our mate." Killer glares at him.

"You can't have a litter."

"We know..."

"We're okay with it."

"Don't you humans want babies?"

"Yes, I do. We'll figure something out."

"So who punches the back door."

"They don't!"

"One at a time? I don't see either of you waiting."

"We don't," Killer

"(Y/N) can handle both of us." Kidd's hand travels up my leg.

I grab his hand, "your friends are here!"

"And? ~"


"She'll be the first human too." He goes back to eating.

Killer pulls me into his lap. Pulls my plate across. He grips onto my leg, "not you too!"

"I can do it without him noticing ~"


"I can still smell, you know."

"Oh, gawd..." I try to eat my food.

[ON HOLD] Neko Boyfriends? AU - Eustass Kidd x Reader x Killer (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now