Cries In The Night 🌚

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After you had got the pack their cheeseburgers, ate in the car making a mess. You let them out said goodbye, watch them runoff.

You walk into the clinic saw the waiting room was pack. Law came through the door.

"(Y/N)-ya, you're here. Come out the back I need your help." He walks back through the doors.

You followed after him, "what's the problem?"

"As you can see we're packed. Would you-"

You put your hand up. "Yes, I'll help, same room as usual?"

"Yes, thank you (Y/N)-ya."

"No, problem. Files in my box?"

"Yes, and waiting."

You went back to the waiting room, got your a file of many. "Today going to be a long day. I love this job!"

For the rest of the day, you treated animals. Tested the samples, feed the animals that were staying overnight. Filed paperwork and help clean the place up.

- (Y/N) -

"Thanks for your help today (Y/N)!" Bepo hugs me.

"Great job!" Shachi

"She always does a great job!" Penguin

"You're a lifesaver," Law smiled, he looks hot when he smiles. Too bad he's a playboy.

"Anytime, I'm off. Call me if you need me. Bye!" Wave bye as I drove off.


After a nice hot shower, I laid down in bed reading a book. I could hear the wildlife of the night. I love living out here, away from people and loud noises.

It was about 10 o'clock, it was pinched black outside. Got up sat on the bay window bench, look out the window.

"It's a beautiful night," a cool breeze came through the window.


"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I heard another cry.

I quickly threw my joggers on and grab my phone, run outside. I ran through the dark, following the cries. Notice there were two different cries, there are two cats. As I ran the cries get louder.

After running, what felt like forever, I came up to a clearing. Saw people standing near the water. I hide behind a tree, saw someone walk to the edge of the water.

"Live life as feral. Die as feral, hahaha." He threw the cats into the water.

I have to save them! Quietly make my way to the edge of the water. I slip in, make sure I don't make any ripples.

"Hey man let's go get a drink! We finally killed those ferals!"

"Fucking oath! Let's celebrate!"

The guys walked off, now my chance to save them. I dive down, thank gawd my case is waterproof. The joys of being a vet. I lay eyes on them quickly swim towards them. The water around them is red. Fuck! I grab onto them, swim back to the surface. I can't hear the guys from before. I jump out of the water and run back home.

I hold on to them tight, "hang on! I got you!"


I get back inside, run to the surgery room. I place them on the table, the blonde has serve burns to his front left leg. The other... "Fuck he's bleeding out!!"

I quickly get to work to stop the bleeding. "Come on little guy, don't die on me."

"HHHIiisss..." Blonde staggers over, he tries to swap at me.

"It's okay, I'm not hurting him. If I don't stop the bleeding, he'll die." He stares me down with fur over his face. He makes his way over. Rest his head on the other cat.


Next 30 minutes, I'm able to get to stabilise him. Stitch his front left leg back together. It looks like someone put it through a mincer. I just hope it doesn't get infected otherwise it'll have to be removed. He'll need a blood transfer, poor thing. I set up a drip, blood bag, oxygen, and a heart monitor.

Pat him on the head, he moves his head. "At least you respond, that's a good sign."

Look at the blonde cat, he lays over the red one. "Hey, little guy it's your turn now."

He looks up at me, refused to move. "Come on it needs to be treated. I'm not going to hurt you." I go to pick him up, he hisses. He swaps again, just knicking me.

"I need to treat your leg, please let me help you. I help your friend, now it's your turn." He gets up and starts to stagger over. As he's about to fall I catch him.

"It's alright I got ya, just rest and let me do what I have to do."  He relaxes, lays his head down. As he tries to look at red.

I turn him around so he can see better. "How's that?" He nods, I start treating his leg.


About 20 minutes later, his leg is bandaged. I place a drip on him as well. Notice he's trying to fight off sleep. "You need to rest, so go to sleep."

I pat his head, he tries to push me away. "You have no trust in people, do you?"He continues to stare at his friend.

"I need to move you upstairs." Turns his head and glares at me.

"It'll be much comfy sleeping on a bed than this metal table." He looks away and back at his friend. He tries to stand up.

"Let me," I pick him up and carry him upstairs.

Once in my room, I place a bath sheet on the bed. Set up his drip, "I'll be 5 minutes. I need to bring everything up, okay? I'll call out to you."

I hold my hand out to him. Please trust me... He sniffs my hand, lays down. "Thank you, I'll be as quick as I can."


I manage to get everything I needed upstairs. The little blonde is just holding on, I place his friend next to him. "You can relax, now rest. I'll be right back."

I grab a fresh set of clothes, have a quick shower. When I come back, blonde laying over red. I couldn't help but smile.

"If you're determined to protect your friend. I'm sure he'll make it through the night. Sleep well you pair, you're safe."

I get comfy and read my book. It's going to be a long night.

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