Law 💉

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"What do you mean, you're my patient? The guy I was talking to had a deep voice. Deeper than yours."

"This voice," that's a smooth deep voice. Thank fuck they can't read my mind... "Can we talk in private?"

"Sure," I lead the way.

"Hold on!" Kidd stops him.


"What makes you think, you can come here and talk to (Y/N)?"


"No, he gave you a choice. Us or him. You chose us! He can get lost!" Kidd gets in his face.

"You told them?"

"Yes, but they heard the call."

"I need to talk to (Y/N)-ya."

"We'll talk, in private." I step around them and grab Law's wrist head to my surgery. I close the door, "what is it?"

"They bit you."

"Hmm..." I touch my lip, it's a little sworn. "Yes, look what's this about?"

"I see you're doing fine. Besides your lip."

"Yes, I am. I'm seeing mostly my old patients."

"I've noticed, some of them have cancelled their appointments."

"Really?" I didn't think they would. Law is the best in town.

"Yes, they have. I thought your 'mates' would have scared them off."

"They do scare them, after the appointment. After today it won't happen again. Law why did you come to see me for? You're a great vet, everyone tries to get an appointment to see you. I'm sure you're capable of treating yourself."

He knitted his fingers together. "You know the blood we test every year?"

"Yes, twice a year we test the rare... Wait... I've been testing your blood?" He nods, "why didn't you tell me you were sick Law!?"

"I'm not, I treated myself years ago. It may come back."

"If you treated yourself. Why get me to do the blood work? You can do it yourself." He looks away, "you don't want to see the results. Do you?" He stays quiet, "why not get Bepo to do it? You trust him."

"No, I..."

"Hmm... I'll leave the room, so you can change."

"Change? What for?"

"I treat cats and dogs. I don't know how to treat people."

"Right... I'll show you." He gets up and grabs the needle and tubes.

"What? No, I'm not working for you."

"Don't you want to treat your patients better?"

"You want to do your own blood work?"

He growls, it's so throaty. He realises and stops. "Since you left... The clinic..."

"How do I take blood?"

"Watch me," I watch him. It's easier doing it on animals... "Your turn."

I take the needle, do it. "I guess it's not so bad."

"You should look into being a doctor."

I change tubes, "even if I wanted to. I doubt I could get into uni. There's probably nekos and inumimis won't let me in."

"They will if I tell them to."

I take the needle out. "Apply pressure." I get the tape and a cotton ball. I tape his arm, "why would they listen to you?"

[ON HOLD] Neko Boyfriends? AU - Eustass Kidd x Reader x Killer (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now