Sleepy Time 😴

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"Nami ~ Nami ~" You sing out to her.

"(Y/N) here's your drink ~" Nami hands you your drink.

"Thank you ~"

She sits beside you, she starts purring. "I'm happy we're back together!"

"Me too!"

You hug each other, and fall off the log. You both lay on the grass, giggling with your drinks split all over you. Kidd, Killer and Luffy walk over.

"No more drinks tonight," Killer helps you sit up and looks you over.

"You okay Nami?" Luffy picks her up.

"We need another drink!!"

"YES!! ANOTHER DRINK!!" You throw your arms up. Killer catches you as you fall back.

"No, more drinks!! Kidd picks you up.

"But -"

"No more!!"

"Pwlease Kidd and Killer ~"

"(Y/N) HELP ME!!!" She reaches out to you, as Luffy walks inside with her.

"NAMI!!!" You reach for her.

"You're not having any more drinks. Everyone going to bed." Killer picks up the cups. He had traded the glass ones earlier.

"You smell like dogs and cats," Kidd turned his nose.

"I'll have a shower. Can I have three bottles of water, please? ~"

"Why?" Killer holds the door open.

"I'm thirsty ~"

"Okay," Killer goes and grabs your bottles.

You look around and see everyone had crashed out. They were either on the lounge or the floor. Either as a cat or dog. Besides Law, his hat was lopsided you could see a fuzzy ear. You wanted to go over and touch it. Kidd has a firm grip on you.

"You need a shower..."

"I know ~ Sabo, Koala, Luffy and Nami have the rooms ~ Do you think we'll have a sex challenge? See what male can make their female moan the loudest? ~"

"Drink this," Killer hands you a bottle.

"Thank you, Killer ~"

You all get into the room, and Kidd places you on the bed. "Give me that!" Kidd takes your bottle.

"I was drinking that!"

"You're having a shower."

"Okay," you start stripping off and head for the on-suite.

Kidd and Killer watch you, admittedly start stripping and follow you in.


Your shower wasn't one of your normal sexy ones. Once you were finished you walked out and flopped on your bed naked.

"Kidd ~ Killer ~ Come to bed ~"

"We're coming," Killer comes out.

"She drunk as fuck." Kidd follows him out.

"Tell me about it. She's going to have a nasty hangover tomorrow."

"Hopefully she doesn't puke."

"For your information, I've never puked! I drink plenty of water ~"

"You shouldn't try and keep up with Nami." Killer hands you a bottle.

"I can keep up with Nami," you take the bottle.

[ON HOLD] Neko Boyfriends? AU - Eustass Kidd x Reader x Killer (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now