Few Drinks Later 🍶

157 11 7

I look around for Kidd and Killer. "Don't tell me they ran off... I thought we were having fun..." I want them...

"(Y/N)-ya if you're looking for your mates. They're with Zoro-ya and Long Nose-ya."

I find them, "so they are."

"They were talking about tattoos."

"They're trying to get Usopp to tattoo them." I look at Law. Oh, my gawd... His tail is showing, it looks sooo fluffy!!!

"(Y/N)-ya you're staring. Your mates won't be happy."

"Hehe, you feel comfortable ~"


"Your tail showing ~" He looks away, and pulls his hat down. "What's the matter? ~"


"I'm happy you feel comfortable enough to be yourself. I hope everyone else can feel that way."

He takes a drink, "seems like it."

We look around, everyone got their ears and tails showing.

"You really work your magic on them."


"Ferals cats run at the sight of humans. Or get into fights with other animals."


"Your mates act like they've been here the whole time. You could teach them some manners though."

"Mmm..." I take a drink.

"You've always had a way with animals. Especially cats and nekos." He finishes his drink, "that could be the alcohol talking."

"I thought so, sober Law isn't this complimentary."

"Maybe I am," he smirks at me and walks off.

I'm glad Kidd and Killer didn't hear him. I look around I can't find Ace either. I wonder if he's snuck off? I better go look for him.

I walk around casually talking to everyone, avoiding Kidd and Killer. Once they have me they won't let go. I still need to talk to Ace. I get a glimpse of a tail going into the trees. And Ace has decided to go to our old spot. I follow him through the trees. He climbs up one of them.

How the hell am I going to get up there?

"Don't even bother trying (Y/N)."

"Come down so I don't have to try."

"Go back to the party. I'll be fine."

"Hell, my ass you'll be fine!" My drink... I quickly finish my drink. Start climbing up the tree.

"What are you doing?! Get down!?"

"Nope, if you're up here so am I." This isn't too bad. I've got this.

"(Y/N) be careful!"

"I'm fine, quit worrying." I climb onto the branch and sit next to him. "See I'm fine."

We sit there staring at the sky.

"You should be with them."

"They're big boys, they're doing okay."

"Just go."

"Nope, you told me not to change. So I'm not changing. I'm staying here till you come back."

"Your mates are going to be pissed."

"It's okay, they'll get over it."

It goes quiet again.

[ON HOLD] Neko Boyfriends? AU - Eustass Kidd x Reader x Killer (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now