People Coming 🐱🐶

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"Why do we have to have a party?!" I lost count of how many times Kidd has asked me that question...

"Kidd right, why can't they have the party somewhere else?" I thought Killer would be okay with it.

"Uhh... It's only for one night..."

"Why?!" Kidd

"Why don't they have the party at your brothers'?" Killer

"Ha ha ha... That's not a good idea..."

"Why not?!" Kidd really not happy...

"Uhh... They get pretty... Intense you could say."

"Intense?" Killer eyes me.

"The Whitebeard family are very. Loud and there's a lot of roughhousing. Like everywhere you look."

"They can have the party there!?" Kidd

"Officer Smoker been out to the Whitebeard house to many times. So to save the number of visits we have the parties here ~ We can be as loud as we want out here ~" He both glare at me... "It'll be fun, I promise ~" They both huff, "I promise. Look Heat and Wire are okay with it."

"Hey don't bring us into it!" Heat turns around.

"We not a part of your thing!" Wire

"You're living in our house, playing our PlayStation..." I glare at them.

They both flinch, "uhh... We're drinking so who cares." Heat turns back around.

"Yeah, if they annoy us we can drink somewhere else." Wire goes back to their game.

"Helpful... It's only for the night, it's not going to happen every weekend."

"Whens the next one?" Killer crosses his arms.

"Maybe next month? We'll see how tonight goes."

"Every fucking month?!"

"We're not doing it every month!" Killer

"How about we see how tonight goes? Then decided if we were going to have anymore."

"No!" Kidd

Knock Knock

"That's probably Luffy and Nami."

The door opens and in comes Nami. She doesn't look happy.

"What's wrong?" She heads straight to the kitchen. "Nami? What's going on?"

She drops the bags on the bench. "She pisses me off!"

"Hancock...?" She tried taking Luffy again...

"Hancock?" Kidd looks at me.

"Yes, fucking Hancock! She thinks she can try and steal Luffy from under me!" She looks at me, "(Y/N) where're our drinks?"

"I'll get them in a minute. Where's Luffy?"

"I don't know." She goes through the bags.

"You know Luffy not going to leave you for her."

"I know. She can have any other guy. Why does she have to go after Luffy?"

"Tell the bitch to fuck off! He's your mate!" I look at Kidd, "what?"

"Nothing," I smile at him. At least he's trying to be nice. "Have you told her to back off?"

"Luffy should tell her to get lost." Killer

"Luffy is oblivious to flirting..."

I nod, "yep, I had to sit him down and tell him that Nami liked him. Wasn't that fun... Do you want me to say something?"

[ON HOLD] Neko Boyfriends? AU - Eustass Kidd x Reader x Killer (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now