Not The Only Human 👨🏼‍🦰

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Bepo, Penguin and Shachi come over. "Hey, guys, how are you going?"

"Hey (Y/N)!" Penguin and Shachi yell. They glare at each other.

"Hi (Y/N), Law said you'll be coming back to the clinic!"

"Yes, till I get my doctorate."

"Ooh, you're not staying?"

"My clients like it out here. Peace and quiet."

"I see..."

"You're staying till you get your doctorate right?" Shachi pushes Penguin down.


Penguin pushes him away, "(Y/N) will be staying with us for a while."

I hear Kidd and Killer growl, "calm down. It's for work, nothing else!"

They turn away, have to work on their people skills...

I kinda want to know what they are. "Since I know, you can be yourselves now."

"I guess..." Bepo looks to Shachi.

Shachi shrugs, "there's no use hiding." Orange cat ears and tail appear.

Shachi a neko, so what's Bepo?

White fluffy dog ears and tail appear. "You're Alaskan Malamute?"


His ears are so fluffy! ~ I want to touch them!! ~

Kidd holds me tight, "he's just a dog."

"His ears are fluffy ~"


Meanie... I'll touch them later. I look to Penguin, he hasn't changed.


"What? Really?"

"Yep, I've known since we were kids."

"Oh, but I've seen you fight." I point between him and Shachi.

"I had to toughen him up," Shachi puffed up.

"What?! You toughen me up? You're the weak ass one!?"

"Am no!?"

"Are too!?"

Off they go... Fighting again...

"We grew up together and trained together. Penguin is stronger than an average human."

"I guess that makes sense."

Penguin stronger than the average human. Training with them since childhood. How can I handle two nekos, with no training or experience? Meh.

"Stop fighting." Here's Law.

The two stop fighting, "we're going to get food!"

"And drinks! It's a party after all!"

The two run off. Law takes their seat.

"I need another drink... Bye!" Usopp runs after them.

It's just the five of us...

"Two males sharing the same mate. I imagine it would be. Difficult," Law looks between us.

Killer pulls me back over. "Why would it be difficult?" Killer grips my leg.

"How often do you see males sharing a mate?"

"I'm not an object to be shared."

"(Y/N) our mate!" Kidd is angry...

[ON HOLD] Neko Boyfriends? AU - Eustass Kidd x Reader x Killer (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now