No Little Nekos 🐱🐱

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(Y/N) ended up falling asleep. She's beautiful while she's sleeping.

"Kidd, Killer." Sabo looks at us seriously.

"What?!" Kidd being rude.

"Outside," Ace walks out the backdoor.

We follow him out, Sabo Luffy behind us.

"What are you doing here?" Ace glares at us.

"As (Y/N) said she brought us here. During the night, took care of us."

"Why did you stay?" Sabo

"Because we wanted to stay..." Kidd doesn't want to admit he likes (Y/N).

"So you don't like (Y/N)?" Fucking Strawhat...

"What do you think?"

"Didn't know, that's why I asked."

"Yes, we do..."

"Have you told her?" Upper Class eyeballs us.

"We don't need to. She knows we do ~" Always take 'care' of her.

"That's not what he meant..." Stray glares at me.

"You should really tell (Y/N). She's always wanted, babies." Luffy


- Third -

The two freeze in place. Ace stares at them, "you should tell her. Sooner rather than later."

"(Y/N) will be upset if she thinks she can't have babies." Luffy

"(Y/N) never said anything about having kids." Kidd crosses his arms.

Both Kidd and Killer didn't think too far into the future. Especially about having kids.

"It's best you tell (Y/N) now. So she knows that she won't be having children. Since nekomata, inumimis and humans can't have children together."

The pair look away, it's not a topic they wanted to talk about. Especially knowing that you wanted a family. They would be the cause of you not having one.

Luffy steps forward, serious face. "You need to tell (Y/N) soon. She needs to know."

"Yeah, yeah we'll tell her!" Kidd waves it off, wanting to drop it.

"We'll tell her."

"Soon," Sabo glares at Killer.

"Yes, soon."

The three of them look at each other not convinced. "If you don't tell her I will." Ace

"HEY! You never told her you were a nekomata!" Kidd yells at him.

"That's different, I wasn't in a relationship with (Y/N). You are, and if you want to have a future with our sister. You're going to tell her, that nekomata and humans can't have children. We'll give you enough time to tell her."

"We'll let you take (Y/N) to bed." Sabo

The three of them walk back inside. Leaving the pair to think about how they were going to tell you.

"What are we going to do?" Killer asks looking over to Kidd.

"We're not going to tell her.'

"Kidd we can't tell her. You heard them, (Y/N) wants a family."

"Does it look like we're family material?! We don't even have a family!?"

Killer looks away. "She's going to wonder, why she's not pregnant."

"It happens, some people can't have kids."

"You're going to let her think she can't?"

"Don't see why not."

"What if she goes to the doctors?"

"What are you doing out here?" You walk down the stairs towards them.

"We were just getting some fresh out." Killer smiles at you.

"You can't get fresh air on the veranda? Haha."

"We didn't want to wake you up."

You look between, "okay why don't we go to bed? I think Ace, Sabo have gone to bed."

Kidd looks at you smirks, "going to bed sounds good ~"

"Not while my brothers are here..."

Kidd licks his lips, looking you up and down.

"I said no, you can wait till they go home. Let's go to bed."

You walk back up to the house, with them in tow. You get into bed, they get in start fighting over you.

"Are you two always going to fight over me? Hehe," you start patting them.

They start to settle down, grumbling while still pulling you into them.

You sigh, lay there thinking about what the guys were talking about. You had woken up when Luffy slam the door shut. The guys had got used to letting the door slam shut. You were about to go out and see what they were doing. Till you heard Ace being serious, you laid back down listened.

What you expected them being overprotected. What you didn't expect was the mention of babies. You were shocked when you heard, that nekos and humans couldn't have children. Children hadn't crossed your mind. You were still excited about having nekos for boyfriends. You never gave thought to having children. You were upset that you couldn't have any. You could always adopt another nekos. You were adopted, you loved the idea of giving a child a happy new home. What upset you the most, is that Kidd and Killer didn't tell you. You thought you'll give them time. So they could figure out how to tell you. When it got to late, you would tell them that you knew.

You close your eyes go back to sleep. Still Kidd and Killer were awake. Thinking about you. Killer's hand glides over your belly.

Kidd glares at him, "you know we can't. Forget about it."

"Imagine if we could. (Y/N) could be a -"

Kidd knocks his hand off of you. "You know they don't exist. Their kind has been dead for fucking years. Just forget about it, go to sleep."

They both hold on to you, as they try to go to sleep.

[ON HOLD] Neko Boyfriends? AU - Eustass Kidd x Reader x Killer (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now