Rail me.

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I was on my bed casually just scrolling through tiktok when my sister Peyton came bolting into my room.

" look at the picture Jacob posted on Instagram" she said frantically.

See we both are very very obsessed with the one and only Jacob Bertrand. I think it's because we're sisters and have the same exact type. We both are obsessed with the same guys. Jacob Bertrand, Fred Weasley, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Those are our top 4.

I hit my home button two times allowing me to switch over to Instagram.

I immediately liked the photo.

I turned my head to my sister " I'm gonna take a nap I'm exhausted" I said while motioning for her to get out of my room. She nodded her head and left whilst closing the door behind her.

I looked out my bedroom window to find a ball floating around it banging on the sides on my window. I walked over to it and swiftly took it into my hands examining it. I saw that it had the years on it but not dates. Being curious I scrolled up untill it hit the year 1975. I saw that it was some sort of button on the front and I pushed it.

" activating in 3.



A force of unexpected wind hit me causing me to fall to the ground. As I fell my first instinct was to close my eyes which I did so.

When I opened them I was falling. It wasn't anything I have ever seen before. I was falling in some sort of tunnel like think but with wind around me. Sort of like being in the middle of a tornado. To say I'm scared shitless is a understatement

" PEYTON" I yelled out at the top of my lungs

" MOM?"

" DAD?"

I felt like throwing up I was being tossed around. I suddenly felt the same gust of wind I did before and assuming I was gonna fall again I closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes I was back in my room. I let out a deep sigh thinking it was just a dream. I walked out of my room and headed down the stairs to get something to eat.

" give it to me daddy that's what she keep screaming give it to me da- AHHHH WHAT THE FUCK" i screamed as I saw an very old looking man across from my beside the counter.

" miss Jimenez I presume?" He questioned.

Wait I know that man. Wa- holy shit that's dumbledore. Did I successfully shift?

No I couldn't have my last names not Jimenez in my script what the fuck is going on?

" miss Jimenez, I assume you are wondering why I'm here aren't you?" He asked in a low soft voice.

" yeah actually please enlighten me on to why albus dumbledore is standing in my kitchen" I said throwing my hands up.

" well miss Jimenez, you have seemed to time traveled to the year 1975" he stated.

" okay what kind of sick joke is this. I mean that ball outside my window and me floating around in the tunnel type thing. What game are you playing at?" I said as my voice getting higher.

" miss Jimenez that ball was a time machine that you set back to the year 1975." He said calmly.

" so- wait let me get this straight I fucking time traveled?" I said with confusion.

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